Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wedmnesday April 30

Alright Let's start from Yesterday
Yesterday I did some cooking,  I have prepared one of my favorite recipe, it is called Mole. It is made with Chicken drums, veggies- carrots celery  and tomato sauce
Then on the side I have cooked basmati rice which is very flavored and delicious to eat
Of course Simona is always helping me out when I am in the kitchen

In the afternoon we went to Walmart to do Personal Shopping. I went with Miss Alexis Romero, she is a really good NRS. She told me she is planning to go to school to become a computer expert. I wish her all the best on her plans. Anyway I purchased everything I needed so for the next several weeks I am set.

Today Simona is sending me anew book (Andy Groove) and some flower seeds for my balcony as I would like to plant some new flowers. Right now I have two vases in my balcony: one has just dirt the other some old flower plants. My plan is to revamp the garden as soon as I have received the seeds
You see I like watering the flower in the morning, by doing so I am watering my love for Simona
This morning as usual I have showed my love for Simona by taking this picture of us at home. I love her very much and I love having breakfast with her in the morning. Alright we all know it is just a picture of her, but it is fine. Until she is showing up for good. a picture is perfectly well. Beside we are both busy persons and I feel her presence everyday 

 today I did OT  ( I studied my driver book)  then Independent PT - I new there was no Yoga today so we agreed with Darleen - the person in charge for the schedule here at the clinic- that I was dedicating the Yoga time to PT. And in fact I did run this morning, I run a couple of mile in 30 minutes, I started increasing the speed so that I can do things faster. Nick -my PT therapist- made sure I was safe on the treadmill.
Nick is a funny person always full of attentions for his patients. 
He knows that he can trust me, and I appreciate very much his insights on the PT room

This morning I send my picture above with the orange polo to a bunch of people, to my family in Italy, my mom and my boss Lester
Lester is a very mice person full of attention for me. Always with a good word for me. You see he mentioned several time to make sure I take advantage of this opportunity because I am recovering from a serious accident and he is making sure that I focus mu energy right now on my recovery.. he is telling me that there is a reason why I am alive after my accident. He is mentioning to me that clearly my time on earth was not arrived yet. So God has decided to watch over me and my family. Despite all the twist and turn of my recovery I am still here strong and alive.
There is a reason for all this events, well it is called Destiny, I believe everybody is destined  on earth to do a lot of things, I was destined to move along my life in this way. Well it is in fact the way of our family. It is an event that has collectively touched all my family.

Our kids, Chicco -8 years - and Lapo 5 years

Speaking of Lapo he is a really earthquake (terremoto like Marina calls him)
Lapo is our youngest and he is full of imagination
He has real friend and imaginary friends

Today I will be going to the gym (gym ), since it is Wednesday I  will be doing cycle with Angie and them body pump with Silvia
At the gym I normally meet many people of Bakersfield that I have come acquainted with 
We exchange quick information about our families
Alright It is time to go
Have a good reading everybody
We are well and strong


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday April 29 posting

Alright tonight I went to Wallmart  to do my personal shopping. I purchased enough for a couple of weeks worth of supply
Miss Alexis Romero was kind with me to shuttle me back and forth
She told me she would like to study to become a computer expert, I wish her all the best luck in her endevour
We chatted about my job and about my family
So before turning off for the day I would like to thank her very much
Have a great day

Tuesday March 29

Alright let's start from the beginning

On Sunday I went to church at S.Francis
Over there I met Brian and her mom. Brian is Daniel's sister and she used to work here at CNS
Right now she is working at a clinic for autistic children and she is not any longer with CNS
At church there was a very nice service and  the pictures of both pictures were displayed; in fact they have proclaimed Saint Pope Jan Paul II

and  pope  John XXIII

 On Monday I went to the gym as usual I did Kickboxing with Christie and I started doing bicycle with  Lolita then it was time to go. At the gym I met Maria as usual, Damian and Richard. Damian is a good friend of Tina, the yoga teacher which is now retired. Richard is a nice guy that I mentioned many time and he is bus driver here in Bakersfield

Yesterday I talked to my mom in Italy. Recently she had to remove a couple of  wisdom teeth  so she is eating very simple liquid food, in the form of  semolino and yourgt.. I know what it feels like as when I was back in Italy I had a fix tooth corrective device and whenever the dentist was fixing it and straining it I was going for a week with very simple liquid food as I could not byte anything. So anyway it is something we all have to go trough

Simona and the kids are well, last time I left a message to them and the kids were gone to taekwon do
Any way I left a message for the boys

Lapo is 5 and Chicco is 8. They both are good boys.

Today Jackie made it official, so I guess I can write here in my blog: she is expecting a boy. She has already  a younger son Ignacio so having a second boy it is easier for the family.
Believe it we know by experience, as we have  two boys  (Chicco 8 and Lapo 5)  it is easier this way.  Speaking of the boys at home Lapo -our youngest- is setting the family trends. When he is in the mood of joking he is a cheerful happy kids, when he is busy playing with his toys, he is too busy for everybody. I guess this is a common attribute for little children, all focused on their play.. I guess this is their life so it makes a lot of sense
Both Chicco and Lapo are working hard on their piano lesson and at sport

Today I need to do personal shopping at Walmart so I will not have time to go to the gym, I am going there once every month when I really need something, and today is the day when I really need to go
So I looking forward for today. Walmart is a big a easy place to go to get things at a reasonable price

Today it was my pay day, so Michael has took care of my money
I do appreciate his friendship and care

Well, I  need to go right now
Have a good day everybody

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday April 28

Aright, this is the latest image from Angkor, Cambodia  that Lester sent me from his latest family trip visiting his daughter Amanda
This time Daniel-Les's son- could not make it as he is busy in Nashville being a teacher and a musician.

 Only Les and Dawn could make the trip in this beautiful country. Les mentioned to me that Amanda is sending her best wishes to me and my family.

You know the road to recover is a long and tortuous but is worth following it
So I take the  advice from Les of keeping the goal in my head   by  looking at this wonderful sun rise, with the aim of soon or later taking the whole  family to Angkor-Cambodia

Yesterday I talked to my mom Marta back in Italy
She is doing better, recently she had a couple of wisdom teeth removed and as a result her food intake has to be scaled down to simple easy to eat items. She mentioned to me that she is reading my blog quite often so I am sure that she is going to read this page as well, therefore I am glad to post these many pictures for her and my family. This morning Jamie  took  this picture for my family and I am  together with Simona,  my local family

Yesterday at Church here in Bakersfield I met Briana and her Mom
Briana is Daniel's sister, and she told me she is now working at a center for autistic children
I did not have the courage of taking a picture of her in church but I am happy I met her anyway. Her mom is doing well as well
Briana used to work at CNS so I remember her quite well

Well on Sunday I did recycle and Daniel took us to the recycle center with Michael, I did a few bucks ($5.00)  and it was a good day to be outside in the open

Already this is my dinner yesterday ... always in company of my family

I have to tell you that I reached a low point by giving up everything, during the weekend I had one of the low points and as a result everybody understood me and reached to me to check on me. So I am very grateful to everybody for their help
Anyway let's move on, over the fish -Salmon cooked in the stove without making the fire alarm going off. As Simona suggested me as it is a fish rich h on fat I  baked in the haven.
It came out really well. The side dish is a Sicilian Salad the one that has oranges in it. Like I learnt in Sicily with Simona 

Alright I need to go right now
Have a great day everybody
My love you stay well
Baci ai broccoli
Grazie della tua pazienza e della tua forza
Bon Courage

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday April 27 2014 stroke Timeline posting

Already, this is my timeline for my illness :

Simona sent me this email to me so here it is

2 month at the hospital in Santa Barbara

7 month at Casa Colina Pomona

5 months at home with Oscar

11 months at CNS in Bakersfield

Until August or September at CNS

Sunday April 27

Yesterday we went to the movie
A nice movie about believing in God and in the afterlife
A little boy got injured by a perforated appendices  and had a real experience of meeting Jesus and God  while he was on the surgery table
The result is that both his parents struggle to come to understand their son experience and its meaning to their life
Likely his dad played by Greg Kinnear is a minister and helps his son along this journey
The movie is from a real story and a book that has been then#1 best seller of the New York Time

My breakfast is an healthy breakfast with oatmeal ...

My brother Francesco is getting ready for his wedding, he went to look for flowers: he is planning the bouquet for his wife, a composition for the wedding and a composition for the lunch

We are talking about how much people in Italy are spending in a wedding and my brother is really a wise person. He is planning a simple wedding and we are talking about some maintenance of his house in Italy
He has a little work to do about the walls of his house

My lunch for today is going to be Salmon, I baked it in the stove and it came out well.. no fire alarm triggered today
I have made a wonderful salad with 

My mom has removed two molar teeth and a wisdom tooth so she will have to put back the two molars that have been removed. She is still eating a liquid diet so for a while a month she will have to be careful about her food.

My brother Francesco is getting ready for his wedding on May 31st , Simona has received it as well. Sara's mom has not received it yet. Sara is my brother's wife to be. She is well,  Sara's brother (Luca) keeps doing triathlon and keeps himself busy
Francesco's job is well, the current year is well thus far the company is going well. Francesco is commenting that the economy is slowly recovering, the capital market for the company is still tight.
Overall the economy has had a significant slump that is still impacting the Italian economy

The outlook is tough and constraints are many - my brother uses the image of the cover on a bed.

The current quarter performance is well, he says that Francesco is cautiously optimistic  on the outlook of the market.

Sara is well, and getting ready for May 31st ( the day of their wedding)

Alright this is all for the morning

Sunday April 27 2014

This morning I did not feel like taking a picture of me eating,  so you all will have to guess

Alright yesterday we went to the Maya movie theater to catch a movie
I watched Heaven is for real.. as the picture below testifies...

It is a nice nice movie about believing in God and in the afterlife
The story goes that a  little boy got injured by a perforated appendices  and had a real experience of meeting Jesus and God  while he was on the surgery table
The result is that both his parents struggle to come to understand their son experience and its meaning to their life
Likely his dad played by Greg Kinnear is a minister and helps his son along this journey
The little boy is a sort of celebrity in town and he is collecting a long list of memories from his experience, all memories that are touching and changing the life of the people around him
The movie is from a real story and a book that has been then#1 best seller from the New York Time list

My breakfast has been a lean and healthy breakfast; right now I keep having a trip for oatmeal.. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A farewell to Chicco


Lunch at 421

Well 421 had lunch all alone in piece and just quite, 421 enjoyed his steak and barbecue sauce, the latter so yummy that it is really a mixed blessing. Anyway bread and butter also provided a balanced meal.

Afterward while working 421 is enjoying his coffee, you see Acceptance of being a 421 is really saving me a lot of energy,  next time Don my Consellor is going to be happy that I am doing his work in room 421 because I identify my house... well let's skip this argument...

the image below shows how beautiful and and well organized the Center for Neuroskills facilities are. I even have a locker in your facility provided with a key and a simple to read table, just in case I would be not able to read it nor be able to understand. As I am a TBI patient I am considered to be a minus habens ( you will need to figure out what it is means in Latin .. I give you a hint -- being less than something)
I feel at CNS I am treated like a minus habens
Well such is the life in 421, 2500 Gosford Road, Bakersfield CA 93309

My accomplishement for today is to give up my real life:
Here is my resignation letter from my real life:

Dear Lester
How are you
I am sure Dawn, Samantha and Daniel are well
Since I  am still stuck in the place where I am buried alive without any future nor hope to be released to the normal life without being reminded every single  instant that I had a TBI  that I have a brain injury ---all clearly shows my deep  issue with Acceptance ... For sure I have not accepted the CNS at all .. Needless to say

Given the fact that I will never be released to the normal world,  the fact that I am not in control of my daily activity how
About if we cut the umbilical cord with Altasens once for all
Once upon a time I choose the company to work with but I haven't chosen Bakersfield nor  CNS; neither of which are going to be mentioned for sure on my already long CV
So this email is to effectively rescind both  my position and hope to be back with Altasens
I have concluded  that ... The secret is not worth mentioning here..
Formally submitted on Saturday April 26 2014

Give it up Caltech
Giuseppe Rossi
Convict 421 at CNS

Note : I know you tried your best to sustain the business, and I really appreciate it.Well what is lost is lost, I lost my dignity my identity and my self
The guys at CNS have won congratulations for your work well done.

The exciting news of the days is a movie outing, in the language of the current company it means to go to the movie ...
Give it up Caltech and give it up Giuseppe, you are not worth the effort

Grocery shoppping

Already why I am talking in terms of my dogtag? because my dogtag is 421  and it shows my degree of acceptance with the whole CNS system..

here is some outline of my day:

21 did grocery and spent $69.19
421 greater Judith Meredith and kenvas  : dogtag 421 shows is ability to mix with the non TBI normal people of the normal world

421 is relatively stable and emotionally happy since 421 did the washing if the CNS apartment and of all related sheets and clothes

CNS  you are spending your money great as 421 is really accepting you and really enjoying the landscape around Bakersfield.. keep it up...
El cheapo

Saturday 26 April resignation letter

Let me start from the beginning, I will skip the mundane action of the Saturday morning that require no more  time dedicated in this electronic page than they take from the real life of room 421

First of all beginning today I am officially resigning my position at AltaSens, see the letter I sent to my boss today. It releases the pressure to getting  out from CNS  as it is preatty clear to me I will be never able to get back where I belong to, not CNS not Bajkersfield.

So here is the letter for your pleasure, reading whenever you have time to kill.. I have become an expert in time to kill..

Dear Lester
How are you
I am sure Dawn, Samantha and Daniel are well
Since I  am still stuck in the place where I am berried alive without any future nor hope to be released to the normal life without being reminded every single  instant that I had a TBI  that I have a brain injury ---all clearly shows my deep  issue with Acceptance ... For sure I have not accepted the CNS at all .. Needless to say

Given the fact that I will never be released to the normal world,  the fact that I am not in control of my daily activity how about if we cut the umbilical cord with Altasens once for all
Once upon a time I choose the company to work with but I haven't chosen Bakersfield nor  CNS; neither of which are going to be mentioned for sure on my already long CV
So this email is to effectively rescind my position and hope to be back with Altasens
I have concluded ... The secret is not worth mentioning here..
Formally submitted on Saturday April 26 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday April 25 posting

Let's start from the beginning.
Yesterday I went to the gym. I enjoyed having Elisabeth doing my coverage
I danced Zumba with Mike and then did cycle with Lolita
Over there I met Maria, Kashi and her mom then Laura
Maria is a very nice person here in Bakersfield, yesterday she was all smiling . Her son is well and I always meet her at the gym This afternoon I hope to meet her as well as later tonight I am going to do Zumba toning  with Honey

Yesterday while at cycle I talked to Tom -he is always giving me the thumb up! then I also talked to Richard.
Richard drives the bus between Bakersfield and LAX and to Santa Barbara

Richard is a very nice person. He has a very extended family: 4 children, 8 grandchildren and many more great grand children.

Actually all the people I meet at the gym are smiling and nice  to me.

Yesterday David York from Engineering Connection called me to chat. David is a head hunter, I worked with him extensively in the past. He called me to chat as he is planning a trip to Europe with his son
So I explained him how life goes over there, in a short while I believe he got everything
He is going to Rome for a short vacation
David asked me when I would go back to work. I told him I don't know ...
He was OK with that answer

this morning I had a good breakfast with oatmeal and blueberry with yogurt.

the blueberry is to take care of my eyes..

Today I made a present to myself and run a couple of miles.
I feel great by running a couple of miles
Pushing hard every day.. this is what life is about

As a result I could not cool enough even after a shower so I had to borrow a shirt
It is alright

Yesterday I talked to my mom who is in Italy, she had a couple of tooth removed (the wisdom tooth) so for a couple of days she will have to watch her food, liquid with a preference for cold food

With our kids we saw the movie Frozen, it is a nice movie about two sisters that are opposite of each others, well in the story there is a funny character he is a snow man that  makes a lot of funny jokes and has a lot of wisdom. The sentence that he is coming up with is that " there are certain people it is worth melting for"
You see I now believe that for Simona, our kids and my family is only worth melting for.. nobody else deserve this attitude, not even ..
Anyway the good thing is that Simona and the kids are well on their way to be better. Chicco and Lapo are really active. Lapo is playing at kinder-garden with his friend Kevon, Mayon and Tayler. He also has an imaginary friend name Shishigaga
I always ask him about Shishigaga, he is always coming up with a different answer. You know kids this is what they do
Soon the boys are going to have their piano performance, Chicco is really well advanced in playing the piano while Lapo is starting and he is doing his best .. right now he is using one hand and one finger
Ok I tried to install the files but it does not play
Another day
Have a great day!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday April 24

this is a very good day
I worked hard today
I studied for my driving test, and Laurent mentioned I can take home my booklet
Then during PT I have been running, I love running
I run because I can run because I feel free to run, with care always with attention but I feel great when I run

My lunch has been healthy, I had the salmon that I cooked the other day on the pan, and therefore triggered the smoke decector. Next time I can cook it in the haven, so that it does not make too much noise.. Yes the usual troublemaker.... 

I have also left on Shawn desk my request for the golf tournament on May 1st
I like to play golf whenever I have time and an opportunity to do it
So I am grateful to Shawn and Sarah to think about me

Alright it is all well, you see you guys are working hard for us
so I appreciate it a lot
Tonight I will go to the gym to do Zumba with Mike.
I will be meeting over there many friends of mine from Bakersfield
I need to go
Have a great day !

Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday April 18 posting

Yesterday I went to the gym and I made myself a present: I have been running on the treadmill for a couple  of miles, I have also been doing some weights. I am completely over dancing Zumba. 
I am going everyday at the gym but depending on the instructor I am going to pick and choose. You see yesterday I did not feel getting into the class as I have enjoyed my self otherwise see the picture below or my latest performance

After running a couple of miles in 30 minutes  I have been doing some heavy weight and I so I am happy that way with my latest performance
From now on I will be picking  my class depending on the instructor. If I don't have a good feeling I will do something by myself, I don't mind, as I am eating alone, sleeping alone, I have frankly broader shoulders not  to be worried  about  this  nuances. My former boss told once that I should not sweat the small stuff.. actually the way he put is a bit different but the substance is the same. So I don't sweat the small staff.

I am always in motion, So I like my sport and that  about it.
I know what is next, I stands by  my believe that my time would be better spent otherwise, being a free man and doing my free choices, away from this place, that I frankly I am starting to feel a bit scratchy, a free man is able to chose its own destiny, rather than been subject to all so clinic hours and schedule.
My job is different from being patient at CNS, my job... I don't have to remind you what my job is.. I guess  if you follow the link this is my  job
Also you are seeing that I am banished from doing it for another... well, you know it is up to you guys.. so here it is what I am doing here? Perhaps going home on July... perhaps..perhaps.  perhaps.

You know my wife and my kids got used to be without a husband and a  father
Are you close to your kids? Are you close to your family?
Do you know what it feels like being away from home for 2 years?  I think it is a rhetorical question
. Another day you dared to give me an electrocardiogram, you really like to waste money .. no wonder the Health Care system is so much in bad shape

So I am telling yo no more of this humiliation

Michael just mentioned to me that he is taking his son to the beach. His son -Sebastian- is 8 years old and he is a really good kid
they are going to the beach for Easter
Lucky you Michael...enjoy your son as I am not even enjoying my family .
I need to go

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17 Thursday

Yesterday I went to the (gym)   I did cycle with Angie. We push it hard as we did  intervals so we all had  a nice ride. At the gym I met Tom, who is a big supporter of mine, and he always gives me the thumb up

Angie is a really a good instructor, she uses music a lot and overall I had a lot of fun. Afterward we had enough time to do stretching as the next class (body pump with Silvia) was starting
Raymond did my coverage at the gym
Over there I said hi to Carlos and to Lydian, they both work at the gym reception
Angie was happy as her son will be coming home for Easter time
I explained her  that I will be going home too for Easter time, she inquired about my family, she knows Simona, Chicco and Lapo as I showed her picture of my family.  I had time to confirmed her that  Simona and the kids are all well. Angie  mentioned that I must be very happy to see my family, as she told me she is  very happy to see her son. Her son is attending military school outside town.

Simona sent me as well some sun-screen  lotion. As it is getting really hot in Bakersfield, I started applying sun screen again. Right now I am really pale, so I need to use sun-cream protection a lot
But as summer is progressing my tan will also be progressing

As usual I am always enjoying cooking
Yesterday it was time for some Spelt Risotto and Asparagus
I am always eating well at home and I am always preparing food by myself
I have completely cut off flour from my diet, I am going all organic and with a lot of fiber
Whenever I buy some processed food I am looking always for the fiber and carb content
I am skewing my diet toward eating lean meat and protein with a lot of fresh greens
The more colorful a veggie is the better it is as it contains some good nutrients

This morning for in I had eggs, then integral bread, peanut butter and jam, as I have this items in my frigo I am better consuming it
I have also removed from the fridge a soup so when I will be coming home this afternoon it is going to be ready
I added a little note for the sup to let them know to let the soup stands outside the fridge

Alright, I l left on Sara's desk some stickers for Ian
I had it at home from my last visit to the dentist
It is all good, they cleaned my teeth, applied fluorine and gave me some new toothbrush to work on the most difficult portion, it is the right bottom corner of my mouth
Anyway they gave me some more tips and I have started following it

Aright I need to go

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16 2014

I am here working on my blog
I am interested in telling all first the positive feedback I had from Zeina  today, she is my Cognitive Rehabilitation therapist
I appreciated her  feedback and encouragements. My challenge for this week has been and will be  to greet  those people I meet in the alley and to avoid disturbing the work of other   people around me

Next I would like to talk for a second  about my wife Simona and our kids
They are all doing well, I know they are struggling but we all have to do what we have to do to get by and to sort out from this situation that has been prolonging for the past couple of years.

I really know my wife Simona is always doing her best and I really appreciate her help
She is always in my heart and she is always doing the best for me

Today I had a nice lunch , and I had broccoli.. you see we call our kids broccoli. So whenever I eat broccoli I am very happy.
The broccoli in the picture are steamed as our kiddos are steamed after a full day of activities

Well this morning the nurse has tried to give me an electrocardiogram again, for the second time, has the first one showed some odd looking waves

Well, I got hooked up to all the equipment -all the wires etc- and when it was all ready, they discovered the equipment was out of paper, it is alright. Next time it will be better. As I here writing to you my heart is obviously strong and healthy

You see I am not sure why they are trying to give me an electrocardiogram so hard, my guess is that it is requirement
Anyway, thus far it has not been  working  out that well

You see overall I am a very active and very strong person. I am always in motion and always at the gym
I like the gym
Yesterday afternoon I went as well as I did not have any personal shopping so I did boot camp with mike, he is all happy to see me as I am always eager to show off my improvement. Mike mentioned that I am all too happy to work out. It is true I am definitely  a gym fanatic
I am to go to the gym as much as I can so CNS is all to cooperative with my needs

Yesterday morning  I have been to the dentist (Dr Philips)   with Staff, it is all good, I don't have any cavities all I needed a good cleaning and fluorine coating  applied . They also confirmed me that it is a good practice to brush my tongue as well so I started doing it as well. Simona did arranged everything so the visit was smooth and uneventful. I like this world as Simona used it to describe Lapo's birth: he has been  a fast and happy boy since the beginning

Anyway earlier today I did Yoga with Ms Amy Kobe
She mentioned her two daughters are well: Madison is 10 years, Olivia is 3 years old
On Tuesday I had brought her a drawing for her daughters, she confirmed her daughters appreciated it and are working together on a drawing for me. You see I think it is a sweet gesture from their part
They need some time to both sign off on the subject

Tonight I will go to the gym as well
I will be doing cycle with Angie provided that a bike is  available for me, hopefully I can also do body pump with Silvia
I like to be busy at the gym
I am sure that I have already mentioned I know everybody over there and also I know all the local people that are coming to the gym as well

This weekend is Easter and I will be going home, I am adding this matter as I make sure to let the apartment know that I will not be going to the movie
You see I have a lot of fun going home to my family
So it is all good

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday April 15 posting

Alright let's start from yesterday

Yesterday I went to the gym as usual I did kickboxing with Christie and had a lot of fun. I met Maria at the gym. She is well
Afterward I also did cycle with Lolita, I did my class cycling next to Riina, I found her well.In the past  she has told me that she is a breast cancer survivor, she confirmed that she is doing great. I have appreciated her friendship and encouragement. She is a very positive and sweet person. So I thank God for looking over the both of us

I was at the gym with Taylor's coverage. I enjoyed her work.

As I am getting stronger I am always at the gym, except on a couple of days a week, Saturday -movie outing- and Sunday - it is church time. I normally go to S. Francis church on H street
I like it very much over there as it is a nice community
We are in time of advent, so everybody is wearing red

I know that everybody is looking over my recovery, particularly Simona and Sara

In my apartment I realized we have a JVC branded TV, I don't use it at all, but hey if it has to be a TV, I like the JVC brand.. for professional reason I am a JVC supporter Altasens

Actually to tell the it all, I am first of a supporter of my family and second of all I am a big fan of my Case Manager Sarah

here is my breakfast for today, I like to have breakfast with my family
Simona and our kiddos are busy at home in La Canada, but for us space and time is a relative concept. When you love somebody you feel in your heart that he/she is OK
I know my family is fine, and they know I am OK

 I am a very respectful person with all the therapist here at CNS
I think I am  following my path for my recovery. It has been a long and tortuous road, but nevertheless a road worth pursuing
As Sara says we are all worthy the effort 
I need to go
Have a great day

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday 4-14-2014

Well, today is Monday 4-14-2014 a cool combination of date and number

Here is my cooking activity for  Sunday . It is red Quinoa sup, with Quinoa, corn, chicken stock
A delicious vegetarian recipe

I have realized I have been working and posting  all weekend. Well as usual I am a workaholic
I have always been like that I like to stay busy
I don't watch TV at all, I listen to NPR so that I stay abreast of the news of the world 

Here is what is happening in the world

1) Ukraine
Ukraine is still in turmoil. The interim president is giving a deadline to the separatists for laying down their weapons and to surrender the government building that have been seized during the uprising
The local government has decide to intervene with massive deployment of  securing forces in Ukraine

2) Syria 
In Syria government forces and rebels are exchanging accusation of a new chemical-weapons attack
the alleged attacked has not been independently verified

3) Afghanistan 
3) Election is  Afghanistan for the new president are still rolling in, at the moment there is an early indicator as the former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdulah has emerged as an early leader but he is still far from reaching the quorum of 50%

Monday April 14 2014 post

Let's start from the beginning 
on Saturday I did take care of the house as usual and did my grocery shopping
As Jamie was not around I said hi to Lisa and brought her a flower
I got everything on the list, as usual as I brought my bags I entered Simona's phone for the raffle, and got  stickers for Ian, Sara's little son

Moreover on Saturday I saw a nice movie  with Kevin Costner and Jenifer Gardner the synopsis of the movie is at the following link  (draft)
It is a story of trying to accomplish something in life, the way you see it fit. Something though you need to find a confident to talk, so Kevin talks a lot to his wife-to-be played by Jenifer Gardner
A nice movie, I fond it very inspiring and I liked the way the story ends, with a wedding and a baby on the way

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday Recicle

Here is a picture with my two good friends: Michael on the right and side and Victor on the left
They are really good person, they take care of customers and they always are showing me their appreciation for my good will
So God bless you guys are you are doing a good job

After recycle I have been cooking 
Today is staffed mushroom day! I have been using crumble bread and garlic powder with olive oil and Basil from my plant.
I am sure it is really yummy..

I would like to post a poem from Chicco our son that has been composing for school:
smart kids come from smarts parents...
Here it is
The Planet Earth
The planet Earth is third from the Sun,
it stands between Venus and Mars
Of moons or satellites it only has one
in just one year its orbit is done.
The Earth looks all blue from outer space
Because of water is mostly made
Oceans, rivers, clouds, rain and lakes
these are the forms that water can take
Life started on Earth long time ago
Billions of years before I was born
Insects and birds and the big dinosaurus
But some lived on Earth for thousand of years,
in all of its places, far away and near
Mountains and valley, deserts and domes
This is our planet, the place we call home

By Chicco Rossi and family

Family April 13 second post

Family comes first. We all need to take care of each others. As we all have somewhere a family that cares about us. You see I care about my wife Simona and our kids Chicco 8 and Lapo 5
We call them the boys or the broccoli.They are really good broccoli , I am sure I have explained you before that in our family we refer to the boys as the broccoli. It is an endearing term that has come in use in our family

So the broccoli are well, Simona is working hard to keep them busy and out of trouble. Me well I am always in touch with the broccoli trough my phone. After all when you love somebody- in this case Simona and the broccoli- the concept of space and time is relative
In reality no place is far away and nobody is far away when you love somebody
this concept is well explained in this book
I read it some time ago, well how long.. I remember  I read it before but I can not remember how long ago
You see sometime my synapses do fire in the right way
Well you stay well

Sunday April 13, Palm Sunday

I had a good night, I wake up early as usual, as I had time I walked a bit in the park
During my stroll I picked up a few recyclable. Do you guess what it is?
Yes we are all pickers, I pick what I feel it is recyclable, it is good for the environment
I refuse to put my hand into the trash  or the trash bin, this is not my forte...anything else is fair game

Today is Palm Sunday, it is the day when Jesus got greeted on the road when he entered Jerusalem
The picture below represents the event

It is the Sunday before Easter Sunday
So for Christianity it is a really nice event and celebration for our faith

Saturday April 12 movie bight

we went to the movie theater yesterday night to watch a nice movie
it is called The Draft.. easy to remember as I like Draft Beer!

The movie is with Kevin Consner and Jenifer Garner

It is a  nice movie about football draft day. The main character is played by Kevin Consner who is trying to build the team that he has been always interested on. He has a master plan in his head, and he is trying hard to pull off his dream team.

Well the story goes that he is working hard toward his master plan, along the way he hurting the feelings of a few people, but at the end he is able to build his dream team.
On the side of the main story, there is a love story between Kevin and Jennifer Garmer the other star of the movie. I liked her role, as she is playing the strong woman of the movie, the woman that understands everything and sees the story two step ahead of everybody. I like it because she is representing me Simona with her strength and determination to do the right thing for the man she loves
The nice aspect of the movie is that the main character discovers that he is going to be a father again as Jennifer is expecting. So he decide to do the right thing, that is to marry her and to move with his life, see her attached a synopsis of the movie
(draft day)

Today is Palm Sunday

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday April 12 2014

Alright I haven't been working on my blog for the past few days, it means I have been busy
So here it
On Thursday after the park I went to the gym I dance Zumba with Christi and then did cycle with Lolita, Amanda did my coverage at the gym
I was feeling great to I had the strenght to take both classes
On Friday we add a nice barbecue at the park as part of RT everybody was there, of course I took a picture with Sarah and then as she was busy we went on doing other things

I chatted with Shawn another Case Manager, he mentioned that his twin brother  Scott is a teacher at a local school. They are both really identical twin.. you should see them one standing next to the other

I went with Clara with her black Toyota
Clara mentioned to me that she has 4 daughters - we call them "the girls" - they are 16, 14, 9, 1 years old. She must be really a super-busy mom 

It is all well. As I went to the park I left my lunch box and my gym staff at the clinic
I will pick it up on Monday

Well today we did grocery shopping at Trader's Joe, miss Romero was driving the van
As we get there a bit early I did not got the chance to see Jamie, but I had the chance of giving a flower to Clara another person that works at trader's joe
I picked up everything I needed
As I brought my bag Simona's number was entered in the raffle.
Well it is all good.
Something add has happens as my second set of sheets has disappeared under my nose. So today it was a bit of a rush to do everything

Alright after my grocery shopping today I am cooking chicken with potato and a bit of onion.
Alright the chicken is ready... Bon Appetit to all.
Now if we could something for a bit of beer, but as it is I have water so ..water it is


By Chef Joseph.. :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday April 11 2014 third post

Today we had a nice barbecue at the park, it is part of RT. Sarah was there as well, and everybody from the CNS was there
I spent a good afternoon at the park and I took a nice picture with Sarah, my always smiling Case Manager.
You know I like Sarah as she is capable of speaking the truth and she has an infinite patience with me
Well over time we walked a long way, so we got used to take care of each others
Sarah is very patient with me and she is always right in her work.
I have to say whenever I have an issue I welcome her input and speak to her with an open heart
So we took this picture together and I am proudly showing to you!

This is a fun picture that shows the use I am making of my bottle opener, like Paul and James and the other have suggested it works well to hung my keys at the wall of the house
You see it has been given to me from my family

this morning at the clinic I have been running on the treadmill. Well Nick told me to be careful, and I have been careful as last time I felt down. So you see I am up and running again. I might fall but the key in life is to be strong and get back together in doing once more what we love most

 Well I love most Simona and our kiddos, then doing sport and I love life per se. I am a very fortunate person overall as I am able to work independently for most of my things. Well whenever I need help I welcome the input from my therapist and I modify my behavior.. like Erika-sama is telling me I always start from a clean slate. So overall I feel like the Phoenix that is re-birthing every time from its own ashes.

Sarah knows me very well, and she has been my biggest supporter during my recovery
Together with Sarah and Simona they make a winning team, and a winning team does not change...
My heart and my brain are locked with you my sweet love, remember what I always say to you when two people love each others like we do, space and time are all relative. So I feel you presence in every movement and every breath of air.
So please my love stay strong and please take care yourself and of the broccoli
we are well and strong
Hopefully one day you have time to come to do Zumba with me... you take care my love and I always yours
Baci baci amore mio

Friday April 11 2014 second post

I just completed my PT running for the day: I feel great as Sarah's and Nick know very well  I love running on the treadmill. I work on my balance under the faithful watch of Mr Nick  Rasmussen my PT therapist
You see I simply feel empowered by being  able to run again after my injury.  Where I am running to: this is the fundamental question: in my mind I run back home to you Simona and I run because I can run, I am what I am because I am who am I. Being me entails a lot of things: entails of course being married to Simona and making sure in my day I always honor and respect her love.

Friday April 11 2014

It is a good day to be here working with you

I found a picture at home of me being in Italy
I am the one on the left hand side, my sister Isabella is on the right hand side. My brother Francesco is the one in the middle.
In this picture I must have been not older than 15 years- I was a real toddler. My hair were straight at the time. Afterward  I started to have curly hair. Then for a while I used to have very long hair.

Afterward coming to US and starting to work here in a Company I had to manage my look to be a well groomed person. I am now always well groomed. I really care about my look and about my personal smell.
I am proud to be the way I am. 
You know Simona and our kids are always in my heart. As I mentioned to you many times, when you love somebody as I do with Simona, distance and time don't matter. I feel their presence in my heart, she is really taking care of the family. Since my injury  she had to do what she had to do to have the family moving along and she has been carrying the biggest load of all. She is doing this with love and determination, this is why I love deeply my wife. She is the one I chosen and she is the one that I have married. Well you know Simona I have never stopped caring and loving you, Sarah knows it and she is working hard with us to let me come back to you.

Anyway Yesterday I went to the gym  I did Zumba with Christi then as we had cycle with Lolita and I was feeling great I started working our with Lolita. She was worried about me doing two classes at once, but hey I am a gym rat, after all I like to be fit and healthy

At the gym I met Whitney  and Carlos two people that are working at the reception
You see as I feel stronger and better I like to work out  as I am getting stronger and I am really enjoying sport.
I love doing sport.. as much as I love my wife and my kids..  I am very lucky as I have a wonderful wife two wonderful kids and a really good boss that takes care of business while I am out.  Lester has been keeping me informed of the recent development and I am very happy for his success, I believe his strategy and long term view of the imaging sensor is paying of. Well I can't disclose here what we have been discussing in private by email, but I guarantee to you that it is going to revolutionize the imaging world.  
You see many movie theaters around the country are  starting to get equipped with high resolution MEM imaging devices to make a digital Crystal  clear movie experience
Well let me just say this, whenever you have a high resolution projector you either go oversampling with a digital filter or you go higher resolution native by using a higher resolution digital movie camera. I believe the latter is the best way to approach the problem, it is also the more challenging from a technical point of view. After all great company build great products so that they keep the greatest talents close to their technical center. This is a good strategy to keep  great customers and to have a great product development road map.

So you see it is all good!

Ti amo Simona baci 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday April 10 2014

Alright it is a beautiful Thursday in Bakersfield.
I am working from the clinic
this is my blog entry:
World news
More deep-sea signals raise hopes of locating the lost Malaysian airline

Since an   Australian vessel  detected deep-sea signals consistent with those from the lost Malaysian black box, the officials from the rescue operation expressed optimism on the fact that within days part of the airplane breakage will be found
The Australian navy ship which is equipped with a U.S. Navy black box system has picked up four separate transmissions from the black box

the new signals are a significant step ahead as they will allow the focus the search operation in the area of the wreckage

Australian officials caution that there is some degree of uncertainty on weather the signals are originating from the lost Malaysian airplane. However these are a great lead that is helping a lot to focus the investigation

Local or State news

I found a nice picture from a local place here in Bakersfield, it is called The Windlands Conservancy's Wind Wolves Preserve it is about a flower reserve in in Bakersfield. Over there it is a large open air garden with many flower to preserve the natural diversity and habitat of the local Flora

Feel good story
here are the words of Mr Obama.
With God's amazing grace we somehow bear what seems unbearable. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, ensures all things. Love never ends

Thank you

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wednesday March 9 2014

Alright, I am working from my office at CNS on my blog
I just did yoga with Miss Kobe I was great and we did a lot of very good exercise
I gave a nice letter to Miss Kobe, it is about her family and an encouragement for her to stay strong 
Since it is warm I am wearing short today
My attire for the day is shown here: 

Joanna took this picture of me at the apartment  with Simona and Chicco
Well you see today Simona is on the East coast, she is attending at a conference in New Hampshire. I know in my heart  that she has to do what she has to do for the family
Our kids are taken care by Anna-Simona's mom. Since Simona has to travel Anna is coming to stay with us to cover with her welcome presence home. Simona will be gone for a few days that is until the 11 of April
I hope she is going to treat her well, she is such a wonderful person full of vitality and resources, but  sometimes she forget that she has to take care of herself too. Well I know that she is grown up girl used to go around the States because of her job. Whenever she is attending any conference she is always making good friend or finding a good way of experiencing the place.

My lunch has been very yummy: I had a wonderful filet Mignon with tostadas from Simona and an even more wonderful Sicilian salad that I made at home. You see to make a Sicilian salad you have to use  oranges in the mix of green leaves. This is the way Sicilian people make the salad. I then dressed it with Italian home made vinaigrette. You should try it has it is really yummy. I hope that Sarah one day is going to tell me that it tastes really well.

Well Simona and I like it this way
Speaking of Simona  I am really convinced that she is a tiger more than ever. In that respect I am very proud of her capacity of moving along despite all the situation that life has been confronting her with.

Well we are very blessed as we have each other, we have the "broccoli" that is our two sons -Chicco is now 8 and Lapo is now 5. At home whenever Simona is travelling like during these days Anna, my mother-in-law, takes care of the house and of the broccoli
Anna is such a wonderful person, full of resources and full of temper, like Simona they are really make me proud of who they are and of what they have been able to achieve in life

you see the both of them rely on each other to move in life. Without either of them our family would have been in worse conditions
The point I would like to make is that both Anna and Simona are wonderful  human being and  strong persons
As I am proud of our kiddos's achievements I am also proud of the two women in our family
They are acting for the best interest of our family, for my interest and for our broccoli
I can reassure you that by experience they are really doing a wonderful good job

I am very lucky for having the both of them on my side
You see I have a very exceptional person on my side, and a very exceptional mother-in-law to take care of Simoa and of the broccoli

well I need to go, thank you Sarah
Have a good day