Sunday, April 13, 2014

Family April 13 second post

Family comes first. We all need to take care of each others. As we all have somewhere a family that cares about us. You see I care about my wife Simona and our kids Chicco 8 and Lapo 5
We call them the boys or the broccoli.They are really good broccoli , I am sure I have explained you before that in our family we refer to the boys as the broccoli. It is an endearing term that has come in use in our family

So the broccoli are well, Simona is working hard to keep them busy and out of trouble. Me well I am always in touch with the broccoli trough my phone. After all when you love somebody- in this case Simona and the broccoli- the concept of space and time is relative
In reality no place is far away and nobody is far away when you love somebody
this concept is well explained in this book
I read it some time ago, well how long.. I remember  I read it before but I can not remember how long ago
You see sometime my synapses do fire in the right way
Well you stay well

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