Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday April 11 2014

It is a good day to be here working with you

I found a picture at home of me being in Italy
I am the one on the left hand side, my sister Isabella is on the right hand side. My brother Francesco is the one in the middle.
In this picture I must have been not older than 15 years- I was a real toddler. My hair were straight at the time. Afterward  I started to have curly hair. Then for a while I used to have very long hair.

Afterward coming to US and starting to work here in a Company I had to manage my look to be a well groomed person. I am now always well groomed. I really care about my look and about my personal smell.
I am proud to be the way I am. 
You know Simona and our kids are always in my heart. As I mentioned to you many times, when you love somebody as I do with Simona, distance and time don't matter. I feel their presence in my heart, she is really taking care of the family. Since my injury  she had to do what she had to do to have the family moving along and she has been carrying the biggest load of all. She is doing this with love and determination, this is why I love deeply my wife. She is the one I chosen and she is the one that I have married. Well you know Simona I have never stopped caring and loving you, Sarah knows it and she is working hard with us to let me come back to you.

Anyway Yesterday I went to the gym  I did Zumba with Christi then as we had cycle with Lolita and I was feeling great I started working our with Lolita. She was worried about me doing two classes at once, but hey I am a gym rat, after all I like to be fit and healthy

At the gym I met Whitney  and Carlos two people that are working at the reception
You see as I feel stronger and better I like to work out  as I am getting stronger and I am really enjoying sport.
I love doing sport.. as much as I love my wife and my kids..  I am very lucky as I have a wonderful wife two wonderful kids and a really good boss that takes care of business while I am out.  Lester has been keeping me informed of the recent development and I am very happy for his success, I believe his strategy and long term view of the imaging sensor is paying of. Well I can't disclose here what we have been discussing in private by email, but I guarantee to you that it is going to revolutionize the imaging world.  
You see many movie theaters around the country are  starting to get equipped with high resolution MEM imaging devices to make a digital Crystal  clear movie experience
Well let me just say this, whenever you have a high resolution projector you either go oversampling with a digital filter or you go higher resolution native by using a higher resolution digital movie camera. I believe the latter is the best way to approach the problem, it is also the more challenging from a technical point of view. After all great company build great products so that they keep the greatest talents close to their technical center. This is a good strategy to keep  great customers and to have a great product development road map.

So you see it is all good!

Ti amo Simona baci 

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