Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17 Thursday

Yesterday I went to the (gym)   I did cycle with Angie. We push it hard as we did  intervals so we all had  a nice ride. At the gym I met Tom, who is a big supporter of mine, and he always gives me the thumb up

Angie is a really a good instructor, she uses music a lot and overall I had a lot of fun. Afterward we had enough time to do stretching as the next class (body pump with Silvia) was starting
Raymond did my coverage at the gym
Over there I said hi to Carlos and to Lydian, they both work at the gym reception
Angie was happy as her son will be coming home for Easter time
I explained her  that I will be going home too for Easter time, she inquired about my family, she knows Simona, Chicco and Lapo as I showed her picture of my family.  I had time to confirmed her that  Simona and the kids are all well. Angie  mentioned that I must be very happy to see my family, as she told me she is  very happy to see her son. Her son is attending military school outside town.

Simona sent me as well some sun-screen  lotion. As it is getting really hot in Bakersfield, I started applying sun screen again. Right now I am really pale, so I need to use sun-cream protection a lot
But as summer is progressing my tan will also be progressing

As usual I am always enjoying cooking
Yesterday it was time for some Spelt Risotto and Asparagus
I am always eating well at home and I am always preparing food by myself
I have completely cut off flour from my diet, I am going all organic and with a lot of fiber
Whenever I buy some processed food I am looking always for the fiber and carb content
I am skewing my diet toward eating lean meat and protein with a lot of fresh greens
The more colorful a veggie is the better it is as it contains some good nutrients

This morning for in I had eggs, then integral bread, peanut butter and jam, as I have this items in my frigo I am better consuming it
I have also removed from the fridge a soup so when I will be coming home this afternoon it is going to be ready
I added a little note for the sup to let them know to let the soup stands outside the fridge

Alright, I l left on Sara's desk some stickers for Ian
I had it at home from my last visit to the dentist
It is all good, they cleaned my teeth, applied fluorine and gave me some new toothbrush to work on the most difficult portion, it is the right bottom corner of my mouth
Anyway they gave me some more tips and I have started following it

Aright I need to go

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