Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday April 11 2014 third post

Today we had a nice barbecue at the park, it is part of RT. Sarah was there as well, and everybody from the CNS was there
I spent a good afternoon at the park and I took a nice picture with Sarah, my always smiling Case Manager.
You know I like Sarah as she is capable of speaking the truth and she has an infinite patience with me
Well over time we walked a long way, so we got used to take care of each others
Sarah is very patient with me and she is always right in her work.
I have to say whenever I have an issue I welcome her input and speak to her with an open heart
So we took this picture together and I am proudly showing to you!

This is a fun picture that shows the use I am making of my bottle opener, like Paul and James and the other have suggested it works well to hung my keys at the wall of the house
You see it has been given to me from my family

this morning at the clinic I have been running on the treadmill. Well Nick told me to be careful, and I have been careful as last time I felt down. So you see I am up and running again. I might fall but the key in life is to be strong and get back together in doing once more what we love most

 Well I love most Simona and our kiddos, then doing sport and I love life per se. I am a very fortunate person overall as I am able to work independently for most of my things. Well whenever I need help I welcome the input from my therapist and I modify my behavior.. like Erika-sama is telling me I always start from a clean slate. So overall I feel like the Phoenix that is re-birthing every time from its own ashes.

Sarah knows me very well, and she has been my biggest supporter during my recovery
Together with Sarah and Simona they make a winning team, and a winning team does not change...
My heart and my brain are locked with you my sweet love, remember what I always say to you when two people love each others like we do, space and time are all relative. So I feel you presence in every movement and every breath of air.
So please my love stay strong and please take care yourself and of the broccoli
we are well and strong
Hopefully one day you have time to come to do Zumba with me... you take care my love and I always yours
Baci baci amore mio

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