Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wednesday March 9 2014

Alright, I am working from my office at CNS on my blog
I just did yoga with Miss Kobe I was great and we did a lot of very good exercise
I gave a nice letter to Miss Kobe, it is about her family and an encouragement for her to stay strong 
Since it is warm I am wearing short today
My attire for the day is shown here: 

Joanna took this picture of me at the apartment  with Simona and Chicco
Well you see today Simona is on the East coast, she is attending at a conference in New Hampshire. I know in my heart  that she has to do what she has to do for the family
Our kids are taken care by Anna-Simona's mom. Since Simona has to travel Anna is coming to stay with us to cover with her welcome presence home. Simona will be gone for a few days that is until the 11 of April
I hope she is going to treat her well, she is such a wonderful person full of vitality and resources, but  sometimes she forget that she has to take care of herself too. Well I know that she is grown up girl used to go around the States because of her job. Whenever she is attending any conference she is always making good friend or finding a good way of experiencing the place.

My lunch has been very yummy: I had a wonderful filet Mignon with tostadas from Simona and an even more wonderful Sicilian salad that I made at home. You see to make a Sicilian salad you have to use  oranges in the mix of green leaves. This is the way Sicilian people make the salad. I then dressed it with Italian home made vinaigrette. You should try it has it is really yummy. I hope that Sarah one day is going to tell me that it tastes really well.

Well Simona and I like it this way
Speaking of Simona  I am really convinced that she is a tiger more than ever. In that respect I am very proud of her capacity of moving along despite all the situation that life has been confronting her with.

Well we are very blessed as we have each other, we have the "broccoli" that is our two sons -Chicco is now 8 and Lapo is now 5. At home whenever Simona is travelling like during these days Anna, my mother-in-law, takes care of the house and of the broccoli
Anna is such a wonderful person, full of resources and full of temper, like Simona they are really make me proud of who they are and of what they have been able to achieve in life

you see the both of them rely on each other to move in life. Without either of them our family would have been in worse conditions
The point I would like to make is that both Anna and Simona are wonderful  human being and  strong persons
As I am proud of our kiddos's achievements I am also proud of the two women in our family
They are acting for the best interest of our family, for my interest and for our broccoli
I can reassure you that by experience they are really doing a wonderful good job

I am very lucky for having the both of them on my side
You see I have a very exceptional person on my side, and a very exceptional mother-in-law to take care of Simoa and of the broccoli

well I need to go, thank you Sarah
Have a good day

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