Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday April 25 posting

Let's start from the beginning.
Yesterday I went to the gym. I enjoyed having Elisabeth doing my coverage
I danced Zumba with Mike and then did cycle with Lolita
Over there I met Maria, Kashi and her mom then Laura
Maria is a very nice person here in Bakersfield, yesterday she was all smiling . Her son is well and I always meet her at the gym This afternoon I hope to meet her as well as later tonight I am going to do Zumba toning  with Honey

Yesterday while at cycle I talked to Tom -he is always giving me the thumb up! then I also talked to Richard.
Richard drives the bus between Bakersfield and LAX and to Santa Barbara

Richard is a very nice person. He has a very extended family: 4 children, 8 grandchildren and many more great grand children.

Actually all the people I meet at the gym are smiling and nice  to me.

Yesterday David York from Engineering Connection called me to chat. David is a head hunter, I worked with him extensively in the past. He called me to chat as he is planning a trip to Europe with his son
So I explained him how life goes over there, in a short while I believe he got everything
He is going to Rome for a short vacation
David asked me when I would go back to work. I told him I don't know ...
He was OK with that answer

this morning I had a good breakfast with oatmeal and blueberry with yogurt.

the blueberry is to take care of my eyes..

Today I made a present to myself and run a couple of miles.
I feel great by running a couple of miles
Pushing hard every day.. this is what life is about

As a result I could not cool enough even after a shower so I had to borrow a shirt
It is alright

Yesterday I talked to my mom who is in Italy, she had a couple of tooth removed (the wisdom tooth) so for a couple of days she will have to watch her food, liquid with a preference for cold food

With our kids we saw the movie Frozen, it is a nice movie about two sisters that are opposite of each others, well in the story there is a funny character he is a snow man that  makes a lot of funny jokes and has a lot of wisdom. The sentence that he is coming up with is that " there are certain people it is worth melting for"
You see I now believe that for Simona, our kids and my family is only worth melting for.. nobody else deserve this attitude, not even ..
Anyway the good thing is that Simona and the kids are well on their way to be better. Chicco and Lapo are really active. Lapo is playing at kinder-garden with his friend Kevon, Mayon and Tayler. He also has an imaginary friend name Shishigaga
I always ask him about Shishigaga, he is always coming up with a different answer. You know kids this is what they do
Soon the boys are going to have their piano performance, Chicco is really well advanced in playing the piano while Lapo is starting and he is doing his best .. right now he is using one hand and one finger
Ok I tried to install the files but it does not play
Another day
Have a great day!

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