Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday April 15 posting

Alright let's start from yesterday

Yesterday I went to the gym as usual I did kickboxing with Christie and had a lot of fun. I met Maria at the gym. She is well
Afterward I also did cycle with Lolita, I did my class cycling next to Riina, I found her well.In the past  she has told me that she is a breast cancer survivor, she confirmed that she is doing great. I have appreciated her friendship and encouragement. She is a very positive and sweet person. So I thank God for looking over the both of us

I was at the gym with Taylor's coverage. I enjoyed her work.

As I am getting stronger I am always at the gym, except on a couple of days a week, Saturday -movie outing- and Sunday - it is church time. I normally go to S. Francis church on H street
I like it very much over there as it is a nice community
We are in time of advent, so everybody is wearing red

I know that everybody is looking over my recovery, particularly Simona and Sara

In my apartment I realized we have a JVC branded TV, I don't use it at all, but hey if it has to be a TV, I like the JVC brand.. for professional reason I am a JVC supporter Altasens

Actually to tell the it all, I am first of a supporter of my family and second of all I am a big fan of my Case Manager Sarah

here is my breakfast for today, I like to have breakfast with my family
Simona and our kiddos are busy at home in La Canada, but for us space and time is a relative concept. When you love somebody you feel in your heart that he/she is OK
I know my family is fine, and they know I am OK

 I am a very respectful person with all the therapist here at CNS
I think I am  following my path for my recovery. It has been a long and tortuous road, but nevertheless a road worth pursuing
As Sara says we are all worthy the effort 
I need to go
Have a great day

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