Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday April 10 2014

Alright it is a beautiful Thursday in Bakersfield.
I am working from the clinic
this is my blog entry:
World news
More deep-sea signals raise hopes of locating the lost Malaysian airline

Since an   Australian vessel  detected deep-sea signals consistent with those from the lost Malaysian black box, the officials from the rescue operation expressed optimism on the fact that within days part of the airplane breakage will be found
The Australian navy ship which is equipped with a U.S. Navy black box system has picked up four separate transmissions from the black box

the new signals are a significant step ahead as they will allow the focus the search operation in the area of the wreckage

Australian officials caution that there is some degree of uncertainty on weather the signals are originating from the lost Malaysian airplane. However these are a great lead that is helping a lot to focus the investigation

Local or State news

I found a nice picture from a local place here in Bakersfield, it is called The Windlands Conservancy's Wind Wolves Preserve it is about a flower reserve in in Bakersfield. Over there it is a large open air garden with many flower to preserve the natural diversity and habitat of the local Flora

Feel good story
here are the words of Mr Obama.
With God's amazing grace we somehow bear what seems unbearable. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, ensures all things. Love never ends

Thank you

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