Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday Recicle

Here is a picture with my two good friends: Michael on the right and side and Victor on the left
They are really good person, they take care of customers and they always are showing me their appreciation for my good will
So God bless you guys are you are doing a good job

After recycle I have been cooking 
Today is staffed mushroom day! I have been using crumble bread and garlic powder with olive oil and Basil from my plant.
I am sure it is really yummy..

I would like to post a poem from Chicco our son that has been composing for school:
smart kids come from smarts parents...
Here it is
The Planet Earth
The planet Earth is third from the Sun,
it stands between Venus and Mars
Of moons or satellites it only has one
in just one year its orbit is done.
The Earth looks all blue from outer space
Because of water is mostly made
Oceans, rivers, clouds, rain and lakes
these are the forms that water can take
Life started on Earth long time ago
Billions of years before I was born
Insects and birds and the big dinosaurus
But some lived on Earth for thousand of years,
in all of its places, far away and near
Mountains and valley, deserts and domes
This is our planet, the place we call home

By Chicco Rossi and family

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