Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday April 7

Alright it is a beautiful day in Bakersfield, today I did my usual things at home with Daisy coverage
I kidded with James,Caesar, he told me is son's name is Caesar-Caesar

Well at the clinic here at saw Sarah, busy as usual she was on the phone, I left her stickers for Ian her son
Sarah is always busy with many activities she is working hard
Anyway Yesterday morning I went to church in the morning -this is unusual as normally I go later in the evening but as Simona was coming to celabrate Lapo's birthday-our son did turn 5 on April 1st -yes he is an April fool baby :)
My family from Italy was there to celebrate Lapo's Birthday. My mom and my sister were in town visiting me
I went to church early in the morning at noon with my brother, I saw over there -St.Francis- Father Greg. I consider him a very good friend of mine. I like him very much. We smiled at each other and nodded in sign of friendship

Here is a picture of Simona and Lapo with my brother Francesco at California pizza Chicken for Lapo's B-day evening

Here is me with Chicco our eldest son with my pizza and non-alcoholic beer
Yes when I am with family it is only O'doul , it is enough to get the taste of it

Anyway the evening was a real nice evening with my wife, kids, my mother in law Anna and my brother Francesco. Francesco was so nice to join us for dinner, You know soon he is going to be married to Sara his fiance
I am sure he is making the right choice, Sara has decided to move to Verona from Milano because of my brother Francesco. So I am very proud to say that he has responded to this move by deciding to do the big step
He is going to have a very simple and small wedding with family and some few close friends. As wedding presents they asked to have pieces of the honey moon  chosen by the attendee
They have decided to go to Thailand for a couple of week. I am sure they are going to have a blast from their trip
Well during dinner my wife Simona was there as well together with Anna her mom and strong mother in law
Together with Simona Anna has been putting 100% herself available to the whole family to help us because of my stroke. Our kids have been able to have a normal life thanks to Simona and Anna
You know this is something my family from Italy does not understand at all. We are all blessed, I am blessed to have Simona and the broccoli and Anna, and Simona is blessed to have Anna around
Well beside Sarah is really watching my back to be able to put me back on my feet, it is a step by step approach, so I am very grateful they are there for me, and for them-self
I respect and value my mom and sister input, I can not disconnect my blood line. However if I look back to my history, Simona and Anna -my mother in law-have been always there for me and for our kids
So overall no matter how hard is to recognize, my wife and mother in law Anna are the ones carry the strongest weight in the house. They have been there for me and for the boys for the past 3 years. Anyway what is done is done, we need to focus on the future and on our kids.
I love my wife and I am very close right now to Anna
The reset is history, with some rust to it, but hey it is not perfect

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