Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wedmnesday April 30

Alright Let's start from Yesterday
Yesterday I did some cooking,  I have prepared one of my favorite recipe, it is called Mole. It is made with Chicken drums, veggies- carrots celery  and tomato sauce
Then on the side I have cooked basmati rice which is very flavored and delicious to eat
Of course Simona is always helping me out when I am in the kitchen

In the afternoon we went to Walmart to do Personal Shopping. I went with Miss Alexis Romero, she is a really good NRS. She told me she is planning to go to school to become a computer expert. I wish her all the best on her plans. Anyway I purchased everything I needed so for the next several weeks I am set.

Today Simona is sending me anew book (Andy Groove) and some flower seeds for my balcony as I would like to plant some new flowers. Right now I have two vases in my balcony: one has just dirt the other some old flower plants. My plan is to revamp the garden as soon as I have received the seeds
You see I like watering the flower in the morning, by doing so I am watering my love for Simona
This morning as usual I have showed my love for Simona by taking this picture of us at home. I love her very much and I love having breakfast with her in the morning. Alright we all know it is just a picture of her, but it is fine. Until she is showing up for good. a picture is perfectly well. Beside we are both busy persons and I feel her presence everyday 

 today I did OT  ( I studied my driver book)  then Independent PT - I new there was no Yoga today so we agreed with Darleen - the person in charge for the schedule here at the clinic- that I was dedicating the Yoga time to PT. And in fact I did run this morning, I run a couple of mile in 30 minutes, I started increasing the speed so that I can do things faster. Nick -my PT therapist- made sure I was safe on the treadmill.
Nick is a funny person always full of attentions for his patients. 
He knows that he can trust me, and I appreciate very much his insights on the PT room

This morning I send my picture above with the orange polo to a bunch of people, to my family in Italy, my mom and my boss Lester
Lester is a very mice person full of attention for me. Always with a good word for me. You see he mentioned several time to make sure I take advantage of this opportunity because I am recovering from a serious accident and he is making sure that I focus mu energy right now on my recovery.. he is telling me that there is a reason why I am alive after my accident. He is mentioning to me that clearly my time on earth was not arrived yet. So God has decided to watch over me and my family. Despite all the twist and turn of my recovery I am still here strong and alive.
There is a reason for all this events, well it is called Destiny, I believe everybody is destined  on earth to do a lot of things, I was destined to move along my life in this way. Well it is in fact the way of our family. It is an event that has collectively touched all my family.

Our kids, Chicco -8 years - and Lapo 5 years

Speaking of Lapo he is a really earthquake (terremoto like Marina calls him)
Lapo is our youngest and he is full of imagination
He has real friend and imaginary friends

Today I will be going to the gym (gym ), since it is Wednesday I  will be doing cycle with Angie and them body pump with Silvia
At the gym I normally meet many people of Bakersfield that I have come acquainted with 
We exchange quick information about our families
Alright It is time to go
Have a good reading everybody
We are well and strong


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