Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday April 28

Aright, this is the latest image from Angkor, Cambodia  that Lester sent me from his latest family trip visiting his daughter Amanda
This time Daniel-Les's son- could not make it as he is busy in Nashville being a teacher and a musician.

 Only Les and Dawn could make the trip in this beautiful country. Les mentioned to me that Amanda is sending her best wishes to me and my family.

You know the road to recover is a long and tortuous but is worth following it
So I take the  advice from Les of keeping the goal in my head   by  looking at this wonderful sun rise, with the aim of soon or later taking the whole  family to Angkor-Cambodia

Yesterday I talked to my mom Marta back in Italy
She is doing better, recently she had a couple of wisdom teeth removed and as a result her food intake has to be scaled down to simple easy to eat items. She mentioned to me that she is reading my blog quite often so I am sure that she is going to read this page as well, therefore I am glad to post these many pictures for her and my family. This morning Jamie  took  this picture for my family and I am  together with Simona,  my local family

Yesterday at Church here in Bakersfield I met Briana and her Mom
Briana is Daniel's sister, and she told me she is now working at a center for autistic children
I did not have the courage of taking a picture of her in church but I am happy I met her anyway. Her mom is doing well as well
Briana used to work at CNS so I remember her quite well

Well on Sunday I did recycle and Daniel took us to the recycle center with Michael, I did a few bucks ($5.00)  and it was a good day to be outside in the open

Already this is my dinner yesterday ... always in company of my family

I have to tell you that I reached a low point by giving up everything, during the weekend I had one of the low points and as a result everybody understood me and reached to me to check on me. So I am very grateful to everybody for their help
Anyway let's move on, over the fish -Salmon cooked in the stove without making the fire alarm going off. As Simona suggested me as it is a fish rich h on fat I  baked in the haven.
It came out really well. The side dish is a Sicilian Salad the one that has oranges in it. Like I learnt in Sicily with Simona 

Alright I need to go right now
Have a great day everybody
My love you stay well
Baci ai broccoli
Grazie della tua pazienza e della tua forza
Bon Courage

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