Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16 2014

I am here working on my blog
I am interested in telling all first the positive feedback I had from Zeina  today, she is my Cognitive Rehabilitation therapist
I appreciated her  feedback and encouragements. My challenge for this week has been and will be  to greet  those people I meet in the alley and to avoid disturbing the work of other   people around me

Next I would like to talk for a second  about my wife Simona and our kids
They are all doing well, I know they are struggling but we all have to do what we have to do to get by and to sort out from this situation that has been prolonging for the past couple of years.

I really know my wife Simona is always doing her best and I really appreciate her help
She is always in my heart and she is always doing the best for me

Today I had a nice lunch , and I had broccoli.. you see we call our kids broccoli. So whenever I eat broccoli I am very happy.
The broccoli in the picture are steamed as our kiddos are steamed after a full day of activities

Well this morning the nurse has tried to give me an electrocardiogram again, for the second time, has the first one showed some odd looking waves

Well, I got hooked up to all the equipment -all the wires etc- and when it was all ready, they discovered the equipment was out of paper, it is alright. Next time it will be better. As I here writing to you my heart is obviously strong and healthy

You see I am not sure why they are trying to give me an electrocardiogram so hard, my guess is that it is requirement
Anyway, thus far it has not been  working  out that well

You see overall I am a very active and very strong person. I am always in motion and always at the gym
I like the gym
Yesterday afternoon I went as well as I did not have any personal shopping so I did boot camp with mike, he is all happy to see me as I am always eager to show off my improvement. Mike mentioned that I am all too happy to work out. It is true I am definitely  a gym fanatic
I am to go to the gym as much as I can so CNS is all to cooperative with my needs

Yesterday morning  I have been to the dentist (Dr Philips)   with Staff, it is all good, I don't have any cavities all I needed a good cleaning and fluorine coating  applied . They also confirmed me that it is a good practice to brush my tongue as well so I started doing it as well. Simona did arranged everything so the visit was smooth and uneventful. I like this world as Simona used it to describe Lapo's birth: he has been  a fast and happy boy since the beginning

Anyway earlier today I did Yoga with Ms Amy Kobe
She mentioned her two daughters are well: Madison is 10 years, Olivia is 3 years old
On Tuesday I had brought her a drawing for her daughters, she confirmed her daughters appreciated it and are working together on a drawing for me. You see I think it is a sweet gesture from their part
They need some time to both sign off on the subject

Tonight I will go to the gym as well
I will be doing cycle with Angie provided that a bike is  available for me, hopefully I can also do body pump with Silvia
I like to be busy at the gym
I am sure that I have already mentioned I know everybody over there and also I know all the local people that are coming to the gym as well

This weekend is Easter and I will be going home, I am adding this matter as I make sure to let the apartment know that I will not be going to the movie
You see I have a lot of fun going home to my family
So it is all good

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