Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday April 8 2014 a summary of my day

it is a good day to be around. I am working on my personal blog
yesterday I went to the gym and I did cycle with Lolita. It is a fun experience
I met Damian who knows Tina, and he passed me Tina's regards.I also met Richard, he is a bus driver between Bakersfield and Santa Barbara and Bakersfield and LAX
I said hi to Rina a breast cancer survivor, She is doing well
Britney took me yesterday to the gym, she is doing great, she told me that she has a 6 years old girl, her name is Aubrey, she is going to have a boy perhaps today she knows.. I need to check with her
At the gym I met Larry and Janice her wife who told me she saw me at church on Sunday. As the past Sunday Simona and Lapo where in town I went to church at noon with my brother Francesco
At church father Greg was celebrating the mass. I have to tell you I like Father Greg he is a really good pastor, his persona is imposing and his face really smiling and reassuring.

Yesterday evening  I had dinner with my family at Tahoe Joe's
 It is a very good steak house
I had decided I was going to eat fish, sushi as I was not so much keep on eating meat
I like fish  very much so I went for it.

My mom picked a really odd thing to eat, I did not taste it either
 My sister Isabella had a nice and refreshing salad
 My brother had a large steak with a yummy side of fries, as usual he is going for a high protein diet

My family, ie my mom and both my brother and sister are doing their best to make the most of their staying here in Bakersfield. There is nothing to do to change the past, but they are working hard to get over the bump of life. It is true we all get stuck into something ... but the key is to move on and on how we get on

  today another girl -her name is Teresa-  checked my medications and made sure I was OK. She is working hard to become a physical therapist. Staff is always checking on my apartment to make sure I am OK I welcome their help and feedback. We are all a winning team  and we are here for a reason

Early in the morning today I kid a lot with James, and as I thought I had no trash bag I went to ask for some at the maintenance department, when I came back I have realized that Lupe had already put a bunch, so I went back to the maintenance department to return the big rolls and to let Lupe knows I was mistaken.
You see I recognize whenever I make mistake.. some mistake are worth fixing other aren't worth fixing it
I believe Sarah known what I am referring too. Yes it is key in life to make some mistake as we are human being but then it is also very important to recover from our mistakes. You see in life we can only wish for the best. So I know who I belong to and where I belong to, it is done what it is done.
Anyway all I want to say is that someday we get stuck on something but the best move is to get unstuck and  today I get unstuck on an additional items.. it is alright. Anyway this afternoon I would like to got to the gym as I don't have any personal shopping to do
I am a gym rat..
I appreciate the extra effort that CNS is putting on me
Thank you Sarah and Simona and everybody else

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