Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday 4-14-2014

Well, today is Monday 4-14-2014 a cool combination of date and number

Here is my cooking activity for  Sunday . It is red Quinoa sup, with Quinoa, corn, chicken stock
A delicious vegetarian recipe

I have realized I have been working and posting  all weekend. Well as usual I am a workaholic
I have always been like that I like to stay busy
I don't watch TV at all, I listen to NPR so that I stay abreast of the news of the world 

Here is what is happening in the world

1) Ukraine
Ukraine is still in turmoil. The interim president is giving a deadline to the separatists for laying down their weapons and to surrender the government building that have been seized during the uprising
The local government has decide to intervene with massive deployment of  securing forces in Ukraine

2) Syria 
In Syria government forces and rebels are exchanging accusation of a new chemical-weapons attack
the alleged attacked has not been independently verified

3) Afghanistan 
3) Election is  Afghanistan for the new president are still rolling in, at the moment there is an early indicator as the former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdulah has emerged as an early leader but he is still far from reaching the quorum of 50%

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