Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday April 27 2014

This morning I did not feel like taking a picture of me eating,  so you all will have to guess

Alright yesterday we went to the Maya movie theater to catch a movie
I watched Heaven is for real.. as the picture below testifies...

It is a nice nice movie about believing in God and in the afterlife
The story goes that a  little boy got injured by a perforated appendices  and had a real experience of meeting Jesus and God  while he was on the surgery table
The result is that both his parents struggle to come to understand their son experience and its meaning to their life
Likely his dad played by Greg Kinnear is a minister and helps his son along this journey
The little boy is a sort of celebrity in town and he is collecting a long list of memories from his experience, all memories that are touching and changing the life of the people around him
The movie is from a real story and a book that has been then#1 best seller from the New York Time list

My breakfast has been a lean and healthy breakfast; right now I keep having a trip for oatmeal.. 

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