Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lunch at 421

Well 421 had lunch all alone in piece and just quite, 421 enjoyed his steak and barbecue sauce, the latter so yummy that it is really a mixed blessing. Anyway bread and butter also provided a balanced meal.

Afterward while working 421 is enjoying his coffee, you see Acceptance of being a 421 is really saving me a lot of energy,  next time Don my Consellor is going to be happy that I am doing his work in room 421 because I identify my house... well let's skip this argument...

the image below shows how beautiful and and well organized the Center for Neuroskills facilities are. I even have a locker in your facility provided with a key and a simple to read table, just in case I would be not able to read it nor be able to understand. As I am a TBI patient I am considered to be a minus habens ( you will need to figure out what it is means in Latin .. I give you a hint -- being less than something)
I feel at CNS I am treated like a minus habens
Well such is the life in 421, 2500 Gosford Road, Bakersfield CA 93309

My accomplishement for today is to give up my real life:
Here is my resignation letter from my real life:

Dear Lester
How are you
I am sure Dawn, Samantha and Daniel are well
Since I  am still stuck in the place where I am buried alive without any future nor hope to be released to the normal life without being reminded every single  instant that I had a TBI  that I have a brain injury ---all clearly shows my deep  issue with Acceptance ... For sure I have not accepted the CNS at all .. Needless to say

Given the fact that I will never be released to the normal world,  the fact that I am not in control of my daily activity how
About if we cut the umbilical cord with Altasens once for all
Once upon a time I choose the company to work with but I haven't chosen Bakersfield nor  CNS; neither of which are going to be mentioned for sure on my already long CV
So this email is to effectively rescind both  my position and hope to be back with Altasens
I have concluded  that ... The secret is not worth mentioning here..
Formally submitted on Saturday April 26 2014

Give it up Caltech
Giuseppe Rossi
Convict 421 at CNS

Note : I know you tried your best to sustain the business, and I really appreciate it.Well what is lost is lost, I lost my dignity my identity and my self
The guys at CNS have won congratulations for your work well done.

The exciting news of the days is a movie outing, in the language of the current company it means to go to the movie ...
Give it up Caltech and give it up Giuseppe, you are not worth the effort

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