Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday April 18 posting

Yesterday I went to the gym and I made myself a present: I have been running on the treadmill for a couple  of miles, I have also been doing some weights. I am completely over dancing Zumba. 
I am going everyday at the gym but depending on the instructor I am going to pick and choose. You see yesterday I did not feel getting into the class as I have enjoyed my self otherwise see the picture below or my latest performance

After running a couple of miles in 30 minutes  I have been doing some heavy weight and I so I am happy that way with my latest performance
From now on I will be picking  my class depending on the instructor. If I don't have a good feeling I will do something by myself, I don't mind, as I am eating alone, sleeping alone, I have frankly broader shoulders not  to be worried  about  this  nuances. My former boss told once that I should not sweat the small stuff.. actually the way he put is a bit different but the substance is the same. So I don't sweat the small staff.

I am always in motion, So I like my sport and that  about it.
I know what is next, I stands by  my believe that my time would be better spent otherwise, being a free man and doing my free choices, away from this place, that I frankly I am starting to feel a bit scratchy, a free man is able to chose its own destiny, rather than been subject to all so clinic hours and schedule.
My job is different from being patient at CNS, my job... I don't have to remind you what my job is.. I guess  if you follow the link this is my  job
Also you are seeing that I am banished from doing it for another... well, you know it is up to you guys.. so here it is what I am doing here? Perhaps going home on July... perhaps..perhaps.  perhaps.

You know my wife and my kids got used to be without a husband and a  father
Are you close to your kids? Are you close to your family?
Do you know what it feels like being away from home for 2 years?  I think it is a rhetorical question
. Another day you dared to give me an electrocardiogram, you really like to waste money .. no wonder the Health Care system is so much in bad shape

So I am telling yo no more of this humiliation

Michael just mentioned to me that he is taking his son to the beach. His son -Sebastian- is 8 years old and he is a really good kid
they are going to the beach for Easter
Lucky you Michael...enjoy your son as I am not even enjoying my family .
I need to go

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