Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday 26 April resignation letter

Let me start from the beginning, I will skip the mundane action of the Saturday morning that require no more  time dedicated in this electronic page than they take from the real life of room 421

First of all beginning today I am officially resigning my position at AltaSens, see the letter I sent to my boss today. It releases the pressure to getting  out from CNS  as it is preatty clear to me I will be never able to get back where I belong to, not CNS not Bajkersfield.

So here is the letter for your pleasure, reading whenever you have time to kill.. I have become an expert in time to kill..

Dear Lester
How are you
I am sure Dawn, Samantha and Daniel are well
Since I  am still stuck in the place where I am berried alive without any future nor hope to be released to the normal life without being reminded every single  instant that I had a TBI  that I have a brain injury ---all clearly shows my deep  issue with Acceptance ... For sure I have not accepted the CNS at all .. Needless to say

Given the fact that I will never be released to the normal world,  the fact that I am not in control of my daily activity how about if we cut the umbilical cord with Altasens once for all
Once upon a time I choose the company to work with but I haven't chosen Bakersfield nor  CNS; neither of which are going to be mentioned for sure on my already long CV
So this email is to effectively rescind my position and hope to be back with Altasens
I have concluded ... The secret is not worth mentioning here..
Formally submitted on Saturday April 26 2014

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