Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday March 29

Alright let's start from the beginning

On Sunday I went to church at S.Francis
Over there I met Brian and her mom. Brian is Daniel's sister and she used to work here at CNS
Right now she is working at a clinic for autistic children and she is not any longer with CNS
At church there was a very nice service and  the pictures of both pictures were displayed; in fact they have proclaimed Saint Pope Jan Paul II

and  pope  John XXIII

 On Monday I went to the gym as usual I did Kickboxing with Christie and I started doing bicycle with  Lolita then it was time to go. At the gym I met Maria as usual, Damian and Richard. Damian is a good friend of Tina, the yoga teacher which is now retired. Richard is a nice guy that I mentioned many time and he is bus driver here in Bakersfield

Yesterday I talked to my mom in Italy. Recently she had to remove a couple of  wisdom teeth  so she is eating very simple liquid food, in the form of  semolino and yourgt.. I know what it feels like as when I was back in Italy I had a fix tooth corrective device and whenever the dentist was fixing it and straining it I was going for a week with very simple liquid food as I could not byte anything. So anyway it is something we all have to go trough

Simona and the kids are well, last time I left a message to them and the kids were gone to taekwon do
Any way I left a message for the boys

Lapo is 5 and Chicco is 8. They both are good boys.

Today Jackie made it official, so I guess I can write here in my blog: she is expecting a boy. She has already  a younger son Ignacio so having a second boy it is easier for the family.
Believe it we know by experience, as we have  two boys  (Chicco 8 and Lapo 5)  it is easier this way.  Speaking of the boys at home Lapo -our youngest- is setting the family trends. When he is in the mood of joking he is a cheerful happy kids, when he is busy playing with his toys, he is too busy for everybody. I guess this is a common attribute for little children, all focused on their play.. I guess this is their life so it makes a lot of sense
Both Chicco and Lapo are working hard on their piano lesson and at sport

Today I need to do personal shopping at Walmart so I will not have time to go to the gym, I am going there once every month when I really need something, and today is the day when I really need to go
So I looking forward for today. Walmart is a big a easy place to go to get things at a reasonable price

Today it was my pay day, so Michael has took care of my money
I do appreciate his friendship and care

Well, I  need to go right now
Have a good day everybody

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