Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday June 30 2014

this morning I wake up early as usual, I greeted my roommate and wished him a good day. We shared coffee and cleaned our dishes by hand as we are ecologic buddies.
As usual I watered my flowers as I am watering my love for Simona every day. It grows and grows steadily but surely, as my flowers.
As I woke up I snapped this picture with my family. 

They are arrived in Rome, Italy  after a long flight to Italy from the East Coast. Simona and the kids are going to stay in Rome where Simona is originally from. The kids are going to stay with Anna, my mother in law and to enjoy a bit of beach time near Rome. Simona will be going to attend a workshop in Holland. Summer time is a busy time for a Professors at Cal tech, she is clearly a busy woman. 

She is clearly working hard to achieve her goals of being a successful person. It is  hard but she does is with a smile. After all the whole household relies on her shoulders. She is clearly doing her best as I am clearly doing my best always. 

Speaking about my family my breakfast has been consumed  as usual with their presence as you can see from the picture below.

I had a  very yummy and nutritious breakfast.

This morning at the clinic I left to Sara -my wonderful Case Manger a nice letter with some stickers for Ian her youngest son. 
Whenever I go to Trader Joe's I pick up some stickers. I then give it to Sarah for her son Ian. It is something I do with a lot of  gratitude. I know that Sarah appreciates it very much.
Also at Trader Joe's I bring bags for my shopping so that Simona's phone number is entered in the raffle. I am sure that soon or later she is going to get the call for being a winner... :)

This morning at the clinic I had my PT session.
 As  I am getting stronger and steadier I am running faster and faster. Sarah knows very well that I like running early in the morning before starting my day, so I think it is good to do my PT early in the morning.
Here is a snapshot of my run earlier this morning. 

I need to get back in shape as this year I did not make the cut for the soccer team. So my team had to do without me. Hopefully next year I will be able to go back to my original dream. 
I am sure it is possible!

Sarah and I have become a good team working together toward one goal, which is making sure I am getting better as fast as possible, so I appreciate her working hard for my schedule, above all, I fully trust  her good heart and endurance. She is clearly doing a very good job.

I think I need to go.
Have a good day and enjoy the reading.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday June 29

today Simona is traveling to Italy from Cape Cod. Our kids are traveling with her, and the whole family is going for a flight to Italy. While our kids are staying in Rome with my mother in law, Simona will be going for a workshop in France. The whole family will be gone for more than a month.
Today I had a very distinguished visitor: Lester my boss. He is President, CEO and CTO of AltaSens  the company where I used to work before my accident.

With Lester we went to eat at Tahoe Joe's on Ming Avenue. We had a good lunch and a good chat.
I had a good steak, with rice and green beans also a couple of diet coke.

I have inquired the waiter about their Happy Hour, she mentioned that it was the right time indeed. But it was too hot outside for us to take part so we had some Diet Coke instead. Much healthier for everybody.

Lester helped me with my new Citizen Wach that I have received as a present a few week ago. It is a very cool piece of electronic and capable of doing so many function. In particular the watch is  now connected to my iPhone.

Simona is following me in many ways at the best she can, I am very grateful to her grace and to her strength. She is taking care of all the business while I am getting better and stronger.

When Lester had to leave I snapped this final picture of him next to his nice Subaru.
Lester is a nice person and he is telling me that his family is well, her daughter Amanda is currently with her husband in a mission in the far East, while Lester's son Daniel is studying for music school in Nashwille.
Les's wife Dawn is doing great busy with keeping her family together.

Well I have enjoyed my day. I will be going to church today as it is a Sunday.
My church is S.Francis .
 I like the community over there. Yesterday Daniel confirmed that today I am going to meet Lucy his mom at church. So I am looking forward to pray with her.

I have today reviewed my accident timeline with Lester.
He mentioned that my stroke happened while I was at work. I started complaining to my coworkers of a strong tooth ache. I called Simona my wife at about 4pm to tell her that because of my pain I was not going to drive home that evening. At work we were busy with a tape out so I kept working as usual. Later that night there were only a few people left and I had to go to the rest room. In the rest room I felt hill, passed out and crawled next to the wall. One of my coworkers Naveen found me there and despite my reassurance decided to take me to the local hospital (Los Robles Hospital). From there I was flown immediately to the S.Barbara Cottage Hospital where Dr. Zoner was ready with his surgery table. As soon as I was in his hands I had my massive stroke. Had it been otherwise I would be dead by now. So you see, God was watching over me, and He has been watching over me all through my journey.

I think it is all for today.. Enjoy the reading.
I have to say that Michael my room mate is a nice guy. We are getting a long very well.

We are watching the soccer match between Greece against Costa Rica.
The winner will go to play with the Netherland.
I think it is all for today.
I am going to get my shot in a bit.
Have a great day.

Sunday June 29

Alright yesterday it was movie time.
We went to watch Think like a man too a nice comedy about a wedding taking place in Las Vegas and about the adventures of all the guests for attending the wedding. Of course the wedding does take place but in a different form than it had been envisioned by the sweet couple.
 I have tried to have bids but as the movie theater was out I enjoyed having a slash drink winch is much healthier than any other treat.

The staff at Maya theater also offered me to have some popcorn, I have accepted and enjoyed the offered.

this morning I watered my flower as I water it I am thinking about my wife Simona and the connection we shared.

My breakfast this morning has been really good, really healthy and yummy as usual. Together I had it with my family.

I am very proud of being a dad of a beautiful family.
Simona and the boys are leaving Cape Cod in Massachusetts  and are flying to Italy, Rome. 

 Simona is leaving our two sons in Rome with her mom. Our sons (the broccoli) are going to spend time with Anna in Rome and will be going to the beach. Simona in the meanwhile will go to attend a workshop in Holland.

Anyway this morning I snapped this picture with my family.

Today my boss Lester is coming to CNS  to visit me. We are going for lunch at Tahoe Joe's steakhouse since we both like to eat a good steak.

Afterward I will be going to church as every Sunday. At Church I will be meeting Mark and Amparo two people that are singing in the local church quire. 

Going to church is always good for me, tonight I am going to meet Lucy. Lucy  is Daniel's mom, she is the lady with the yellow shirt on my right hand side.

Right now we are kicking around ideas for food with Michael, he is a very interesting person we have some very similar interest particular when it comes to food.
I have done enough for this morning.
Thanks Sarah.
God bless your patience and really attention to everybody in particular to me.
On behalf of my family and me.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday June 28

Yesterday I went to the 24 gym to do Zumba with honey. At the gym I have danced with Maria and greeted Drashdee. I have also met Larry and his wife Janice. She is pictured her below with me. She had a cancer removed from her throat so she is recuperating, this is why she is having a scar on her neck.
As I greeted her, I had the chance of giving her a lucky charm stone that I had. I told her it is for good luck.
I care about Larry and Janice a lot. I am sure God is watching over their life.

I went to the gym  with Faviola, Britney and Chris another patient of CNS.

Today is Saturday and I took care of the normal house maintenance of the apartment. I started my day by greeted my roommate and by  apologizing for my stupid behavior. As Sarah knows it quite well and she is always advocating for me being a better person. .

This morning I did grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. I had a lot of fun and greeted everybody over there.
I have spent $85, quite better than usual, then as I brought my bags, Simona's number got entered in the raffle. Finally I broght stickers for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of Sara my wonderful Case Manager. In the picture below you see stickers in my apartment ready for Monday delivery.

This morning  have also brought a flower to Jamie, we always kid together and talk always about each other family. Her daughter Delaney is doing better and better and also her son Logan is growing up strong and healthy.

Jamie knows me very well and she knows that I like to snap pictures with her so she patiently complies.

I have to tell you that my roomate Michael is really a nice person, I have decided that we leave together and that we are going to work together as a team. Michael has been in Colorado himself, and he likes a lot the area as well he likes a lot being a green and organic person.
I have resolved myself to do what is best for everybody.
Simona my wife just called me, she mentioned that our kids had a lot of fun at Cape Cod.

My lunch has been the following one: chicken drums with peeled tomatoes and broccoli. I have cooked it all by myself. I have to say I enjoying cooking a lot. And  whenever I cook I like to keep a picture of my wife next to me, so that I always remember who my wife is. 

Dr Madrilejo is  my doctor in charge of my growth hormome treatment. 
He has recently lowered my dose from 0.2 down to 0.1 mg daily. It is my daily shot that nursing administer me to get better and stronger. My wife Simona mentioned to me a few minutes ago that the dose has been reduced and will stay to 0.1 for the next 3 months. She has mentioned that I should talk to Susanne my nurse if I feel off. 
My wife Simona is at Cape Cod where she has been attending a conference with our kids. The whole family will be going to Italy tomorrow, the kids will be staying in Rome with Anna my mother in law. Simona is going to give a talk in Holland and she is going here from Italy.

Tomorrow is Sunday and surprise..
I need to go now
Simona I love you!
Sarah thanks a lot 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday June 27

yesterday I went to the gym. I did Zumba with Mike. At Zumba I met Drashdee, Maria, and many other people of Bakersfield. They are all nice to me, and I am of course very nice to them all. I have also snapped a picture with Naomi the manager and a picture of the gym premises outside.

Naomi is fine, her family is in Pismo Beach for the weekend.

I snapped the current picture as it shows the gym and the handicap sign so much loved by the CNS staff.
Well, it is what it is..for the time being. We are all handicapped to for the time being, otherwise we would not been here at CNS... being at CNS it is at the time an oxymoron for me... don't you agree?

There are some that are worst off than others, but overall I feel I am one of the few of the better one.
At least I know who I am, and more importantly I know what I like doing. I am a pretty much independently minded individual. I am know what I like and I know what I don't like. I know who I am and what I like from life. 

The night at the apartment was pretty much uneventful, unfortunately there is a new patient intruding in then CNS apartment who requires a lot of supervision, so  it was a pretty busy night over there. 

I understand pretty well the law of profit and loss, so I understand to maximize the profit CNS is maximizing the number of body count in each single unit. No surprise.. Simple law of profit and loss. Simple economical reality to make the budget squaring out you have to do what you have to do, don't you?

Anyway in the morning I had a good breakfast. 
My breakfast is here snapped: a very yummy and complete meal as usual to start my day with a good charge.

At the clinic I left stickers for Ian. Ian is Sara's youngest son. I normally leave stickers for him  as I collect  them during my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's

My morning day has been very productive. Worth mentioning is my run: I did 2 miles at a very fast paste.
This has been my RT for today. Every time I can do sport is my RT. 

I have run really fast and it shows on the results: two miles is 23 minutes

My CR session is very productive: improving by  the day: 

                                                                     24-June                     26-June               27-June
                                                     SCORE                  70%                           62%                  62% 
                                              TIME                      14.9                              13.67                 13 

Next event worth mentioning was my lunch.

My lunch has been really good: 

I had organic Quinoa with Chicken cutlet and some Tostadas. Then some fruit and after brushing my teeth I nice Vanilla flavored coffee.

Tonight I will be going to the gym  to do Zumba toning.
I will be resting during the weekend. 
I have plan for the weekend.. It is going to be other fun weekend by  myself. I don't mind at all. I am used to be me by myself. I know that Simona -my wife- is also by herself with our kids. So here we go a perfectly balanced modern family. Have a great weekend all.
Need to go now.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday June 26

Alright, yesterday my dinner was as usual really good, I prepared chicken with Orange and Butternut squash ravioli. It is all courtesy of Trader's Joe. I have to say I am a really good chef.. aren't you as well?

I wrote a letter to Simona my wife. I write as much possible to her and our kids.

In the afternoon  I went to the 24 hours gym to do cycle with Angie. When I finished my  cycle class I  greeted her, and in return she asked me if I was going back to Italy. I  mentioned her that it has  not yet come the time to go back to Italy for me, so she was happy to know I will be back next time.

Afterward I did body pump with Sylvia, I did many repetitions with some light weight, so that not to hurt my self.  It is best staying light rather than being out of work for a while. In fact today I am feeling great.

At the gym I greeted Drashee and Gloria. My coverage at the gym was done by Martha. We went with Chris.

I have to say I love the gym, I am a gym fanatic. I am taking rest only during the weekend.

Yesterday I  have also received a package from my mom in Verona, Italy. It contained a summer pajamas and a Montalbano book. The author is Andrea Camilleri, and he write most of the time is Sicilian language.

With Simona my wife, we read all the many books from Montalbano and I am happy as I have received the latest one of this long a and nice series.
This morning I wake up as usual and had a good breakfast thinking about Simona.
She is currently at Cape Cod with the kids. As she is very busy and she is 3 hours away, she has little time left to get connected to me directly. It is OK as I know she is busy. We are all busy with our own staff.
I am busy doing my own rehabilitation and being the guy the the green eyes... oh well you know the story.
I have to say I love this job of being active and always alert.
The fact is that I don't remember ever where I parked my car, nor where my credit card is located. Well, the important things in life, is that Simona my wife is well, and that the kids are safe. As for me.. there is Sarah my Case Manager and all CNS to help me out.

Alright, I need to go.
Have a good day everybody.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday June 25

Alright, this morning I wake up early as usual to get ready for work. I water my flowers, as I water my love for Simona.

I prepared  a good breakfast thinking about my family.

today I had a CR session 7 numbers and my score was 70% with speed 14.9

Later I had  Yoga with Tina, she is now retired and  leaving in Shaver Lake a beautiful community in the mountain. It is really a nice place over there.

Later in the morning I had a doctor appointment with  Dr. Madrilejo.  He is the doctor in charge of my treatment for the growth hormone, basically my endocrinologist.

Everything is well, and his recommendation is that my growth hormone dose can  be reduced from the current 0.2 down to 0.1.  Basically it is time to start tapering off my growth hormone dose. I have been on growth hormone medication for the past two years. So you see it is all good, I am making progress.

I went over there with Susanne my nurse.

It is all good, as usual Simona took care of everything, and based on my past experience, I had brought money to pay the co-payment. So here we go I have a receipt for the expense, so that Simona can file it with next year taxes.
Later  had a wonderful lunch, Tilapia, tostadas and bruxelles sprouts.

Then I brushed my teeth and had my vanilla coffee. Black with a tad of sugar. 
Right now I am summarizing the event of the day. As usual Sarah is watching over me, and Simona is doing her  best. Simona is with the kids at Cape Cod, she is attending a summer school while the boys have a summer camp. Afterward they all will be flying to Italy. First the boys are going to Rome to enjoy some full immersion of Italy with Anna, my mother in law. Simona is going to be in Holland to give a seminar. 
They all going to be back in about a month. 
Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed my writing to you.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday June 24

Alright, yesterday I went to the gym. I dd Kickboxing with Alicia. Over there I met as usual Maria, Damian, Drahsdee  and Richard. I started doing cycle with Lolita and then it was time to go as my coverage was over. 
I went there with Chanel who is now a supervisor. Since it was late there was no time to stop by La Cantina.

Today I woke up early as usual and had a good breakfast thinking about my family.
I have watered my plant  which are really getting strong a  beautiful..

Today I have been working hard at the clinic, I  had my CR session with Erika-sama and we went at Starbucks coffee. Here is a picture of me with a good coffee drink.

Then I did  Yoga. This week  Tina is back as Amy is on vacation with her family. Tina has retired at Shaver Lake.
it is a beautiful area as you can see from these pictures.. Her dog Crazy Lilli is fine and she is as crazy as always. It is good to see Tina being back.

I had a wonderful lunch with Tilapia pan seared with flour and sprinkled with capers and lemon juice. Then some Bruxelles sprouts  and Tostadas from Simona. Well I am a good chef, I enjoying cooking.

After lunch I had a wonderful happy hour with my vanilla flavored coffee.

By the way today it was my pay day, so I am thanking all CNS for its graceful courtesy.
I need to go.
Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.
I love you Simona please stay well at Cape Cod.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday June 23 2014

this is Giuseppe writing to you from the clinic.
This morning I delivered articles to Bethany and Laura. The research papers came to me from Lisa, she is helping me finding the research articles that the therapists at the clinic need for their job.

It is a job that needs organizational skills and memory skills, good for me.

Anyway over the weekend I had a lot of fun. I have already mentioned to you my adventure of last Friday at the gym.
On Saturday after taking care of the house -cleaning and washing my clothes,  I went to do Grocery shopping at Trader Joe's
Over there I snapped this picture with Jamie. We kid around whenever I visit her at the shop.
We talk about each other family and we always have a good time.

At Trader Joe's I get stickers for Sara my case manager and this time I had sticker for Dominique, Tami's son.
As I am bringing the bags Simona's number is entered in the raffle. Soon or later we are going to receive a call to get a winning tickets.

It is all good, they are all memory task for me.
Beside where ever I go in the community I am having a good time.
At grocery shopping it went very well, I followed my list and spent $77 dollars.. significantly better than my usual shopping. My goal is to converge on my allowance of $75.

On Saturday afternoon we went to the movie to see Edge of Tomorrow.  A nice movie with tom Cruise, it is actually a love story and it is based on a real good plot. Well the main character is trapped in a time loop and only the love for a girl manages to pool him out of his situation. I enjoyed the movie as it reminds me of my love for Simona.

Simona and the kids are at Cape Cod, Simona is attending a conference over there while our kids are enjoying some summer vacation. Our kids already met with Yami ( boy) , Kea, Elena (girls).
The boys are doing fine.

Yesterday it was Sunday and I have cooked some salmon in the stove, so that I did not trigger the alarm. This is what Simona has thought me to do.
I have been preparing a fruit salad with all the fruit I have in Fridge, so it is going to go to  good use.

I think I need to go.
Thank you Sarah, and mon amour merci bien a toi. Je t'aime.
Mon amour bon journee.
Chef Joseph

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday June 21

First Day of Summer. Simona just called me and she was taking care of boys at Cape Cod. Today it is Saturday so there is no summer school for her.

Well I have to back things from yesterday as I went to the 24 fitness gym . Normally I go to the Bakersfield SouthWest  location on4302 Gosford Road here in Bakersfield. They know me very well over there as I am always there during the week.I did dance Zumba with a new instructor Faith, you can see her on my left hand side wearing a white shirt in the picture we snapped together and reported for you here below.

Also next to  the instructor Faith wearing the white shirt  is my friend Maria with a green shirt and afterward you can see Salvia with a red shirt.

Today it is a Saturday so as usual I took care of the house maintenance by cleaning and washing my clothes.

I have noticed that Lupe my house keeper has switched my bed to the  summer season. It is fresh and white clean and very comfortable during this hot season.

My breakfast today has been very yummy. I had my breakfast thinking a lot about my family. Right now Simona and the boys are at Cape Cod, where Simona has a summer school and the boys are attending a summer camp with some fun activities. The other day they called me to tell me they are having a lot of fun.

Today in the morning I did grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. I have said hi to Meredith, Andy, Canvas, Lisa and Jamie picture below with me. We had fun taking this picture together. She is always  busy with her customers but also she is always able to find a moment for Joseph, which is me. Anyway I  always have fun at the store.

Jamie mentioned that because of me at that location they are not allowed to sell anymore beer. Which is a very good point worth keeping in mind. Apparently I am a very popular guy wherever I go I found a good guardian angel looking after me.
Of course we talked about each other families. As I brought my bag Simona's number was entered in the raffle. Then I have got stickers for Ian, Sara's son. Sara is my Case Manager at the clinic, so on Monday I will leave some on Sara's desk.
She knows  they come from me. Sara is another  guarding angel of mine at the clinic. She is doing an awesome job with me. She is always ready to lessen to me and to let me do what is best for my faculty. Beside she has a lot of patience with me. Her motto is "You Are worthy!"

Let's go back to my Saturday morning for a second.

My grocery shopping went quite well,  I stayed focused on my list; I  try to get some apple cider but found out that it is only available on winter. 

Jamie confirmed to me that at that location they are not selling beer any longer because on me, so you see there is one less problem to worry about. :)

For lunch Le Chef proposed the following menu, which was accepted with great enthousiam.

As a main course  I had Cheese Tortellini with Ricotta, basil and tomato pictured below.

Afterward I had a yummy Quinoa with tomatoes and avocado.

I always like to eat with my family picture in front of me, In these way I always have the feeling they are with me.
Afterward I have cleaned my utensils, pots and dishes, 
then Simona called me  to tell me that she was enjoying her day off with the boys. As it is Saturday neither Simona nor the boys have scheduled activities for the weekend. 

I am working on my blog with my favorite 35 mm lens mag, it is a present from Lygia. Lygia is a technical writer (retired) that used to work with me at my working place many many years ago before changing to work in a different capacity and location. Before getting addicted to doing Zumba at to the 24 hours gym.

So you see changes are for the best don't you agree? You have to admit that it is always important in life to do sport, and right now I am enjoying my sport life to its fullest.  

After lunch I have been washing my dishes by hand, this is a good form of therapy for me, as it helps me with my hand-eyes coordination. I managed to do everything without breaking anything... 
Later today I am going to the movie to see Edge of Tomorrow  with Tome Cruise, so no gym as usual on Saturday.

Tomorrow it is Sunday so I will be going to Church at St. Francis at the 6:30 pm service, and of course no gym on Sunday, as I like to go to church.
I have the whole week to do sport, I am happy to devote a day to the Lord. Wouldn't you do be doing the same as me?

Oh well the world is beautiful as there is place for everybody and I accept that for some Sunday is a regular day of the week. However allow me to put forward my preference, and on Sunday I like to go to church.
I hope you understand.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Have a great day.
Until the next entry.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday June 20

let's get start from yesterday afternoon.
After the clinic I had a very yummy dinner with Simona. I like eating with her as she is always in my thoughts.

Afterward I went to the gym to do Zumba and  Deanna made my coverage. I danced Zumba, the instructor was Mike. This time in my  head Simona had the chance of coming with me, so I danced with her. I am not sure if would have  time to be with me tonight as well.  I will let you know next time we talk. In the picture below you see me goofing outside the gym, the picture was taken by Deanna. Do you like my green shirt as well? I love green as it matches my green eyes, and I am always in trouble for my eyes, but Simona don't you worry they are for you only.

The flowers in my balcony are becoming bigger and bigger by the day. I carefully nourish them as I nourish my love for Simona. I am very proud of their tenacity in becoming bigger and bigger.

Today I wake up early as usual and  I had breakfast with my family, in the small picture below you can see Simona and our  two kids.  Although the boys are all attending a summer camp at Cape Cod where Simona has a summer school to reach, they are always with me. 

It is a very balanced breakfast to start my day with a positive note.You know I am always thinking about my family. Just in case you wonder.. based on my writing above.

Yesterday I had a homework for Bethany to turn it in this morning , and I have turned it in promptly.
 I appreciate her  taking care of this matter for me.

At the clinic as it is Friday I had my RT by running on the treadmill. I knew Sarah - my wonderful Case Manager- had a really good RT for me. In addition while running to complete my RT experience I have been listening to ACDC music. I know that Simona would  not approve it, but anyway since it is my RT and I had listening my music with  earplug, so  I did it anyway. 

Today I run really fast,  running fast and steady is my goal as I am improving my agility with every therapy.

I am very satisfied by my achievement today. I am a very sport fanatic. Tonight I am going to the gym again to do Zumba toning. Over there I will meet everybody.
During the weekend it is rest  - I need to take care of  the house and then grocery shopping. Then I am planning to do some cooking.
I just talked to Bethany and we have agreed that a  summer pasta ( tomatoes and mozzarella)  is the way to go.   

Alright it is time to go.
Enjoy the reading.