Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saturday June 7 2014

Already I am working listening to Johnny Cash, it is a good classic. Well I have to back track to yesterday at they gym  to do Zumba with Mike. I like it as it makes me feel healthy. Beside I always meet people I know at the gym. At the gym Michelle, another Zumba instructor asked me if I could make it on Monday morning. I mentioned to her that I have therapy on Monday morning. Perhaps Sarah can organize a bit of Zumba at the clinic? :)
Anyway while at the gym I snapped this image of Naomi the gym manager. Her daugher and son are currently on summer camp.
Naomi is always very nice with me, and she is constantly asking about my family.

Today I took care of the house work, by cleaning everything and changing my bed.On  Saturday it is time for cleaning and taking care of yourself.

I had a yummy breakfast with Simona's picture and her egg holder. I feel connected to her wherever I go and as such I like to start my day with her on my side.
 On the table I keep the ice cream cone I made for her. Soon or later she will be coming to visit and collect it. At that point I hope it will still be a surprise.

Afterward at 11 am  we went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.
Over there I add everything I needed. And I greeted Jamie (pictured below with me)

 And Lisa. They both work at Trader Joe's.

 I have got everything I needed, greeted everybody over there.

Jamie mentioned that her son Logan and daughter Delaney are well, they were at home with her husband Thorn.
Jamie is always very cheerful with me. Today I asked if she could point me to the beer isle, and she confirmed that because of me, beer is not sold any longer at that store location! You see Jamie always takes care of her customer and in particular of me.

You see everybody takes care of me whenever I am in the community.
After ward I came home and get a good  lunch.
Tortellini and Quinoa salad. You see Michael always jokes  with me about Quinoa. Michael kids with me about Quinoa being a beer, and in fact It is not a beer but it a really healthy grain. Once it gets cooked in water in can be springliked over salad.
 Part of my lunch has been Broccoli.. You see whenever I eat broccoli I always feel connected to my family, because we call our sons Broccoli. It is an endearing term, that is used in our family.
 Anyway, as I  have always been a workaholic and part of my recovery process is to be able to recollect and trace back my day. So here it is, I am keeping track of my day.

By the way, have I mentioned to you that I am lessening to Johnny Cash ?
Tonight I am going to the movie theater to see Edge of Tomorrow.
A movie with Tom Cruise. It is science fiction action packed movie.
My expectation is that it is going to be a good movie.
Well this is all for today, I am sure by tomorrow my adventure will be on a bit more

Simona my wife called a bit ago and she was home taking care of our broccoli. The kids are out of school so she is taking easy for a while. I think the whole family will be going with Simona to the East coast for a conference, while the kids are going to do some summer camp. Afterward Simona will be flying with the kids to Italy. Me? I will be keep blogging to get better and I will be always be me. Simona is always careful in keeping me up to date on her whereabouts.

Simona  is going to visit me next Friday.

Have a great day. 
Thank you Simona and Sarah

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