Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday June 29

today Simona is traveling to Italy from Cape Cod. Our kids are traveling with her, and the whole family is going for a flight to Italy. While our kids are staying in Rome with my mother in law, Simona will be going for a workshop in France. The whole family will be gone for more than a month.
Today I had a very distinguished visitor: Lester my boss. He is President, CEO and CTO of AltaSens  the company where I used to work before my accident.

With Lester we went to eat at Tahoe Joe's on Ming Avenue. We had a good lunch and a good chat.
I had a good steak, with rice and green beans also a couple of diet coke.

I have inquired the waiter about their Happy Hour, she mentioned that it was the right time indeed. But it was too hot outside for us to take part so we had some Diet Coke instead. Much healthier for everybody.

Lester helped me with my new Citizen Wach that I have received as a present a few week ago. It is a very cool piece of electronic and capable of doing so many function. In particular the watch is  now connected to my iPhone.

Simona is following me in many ways at the best she can, I am very grateful to her grace and to her strength. She is taking care of all the business while I am getting better and stronger.

When Lester had to leave I snapped this final picture of him next to his nice Subaru.
Lester is a nice person and he is telling me that his family is well, her daughter Amanda is currently with her husband in a mission in the far East, while Lester's son Daniel is studying for music school in Nashwille.
Les's wife Dawn is doing great busy with keeping her family together.

Well I have enjoyed my day. I will be going to church today as it is a Sunday.
My church is S.Francis .
 I like the community over there. Yesterday Daniel confirmed that today I am going to meet Lucy his mom at church. So I am looking forward to pray with her.

I have today reviewed my accident timeline with Lester.
He mentioned that my stroke happened while I was at work. I started complaining to my coworkers of a strong tooth ache. I called Simona my wife at about 4pm to tell her that because of my pain I was not going to drive home that evening. At work we were busy with a tape out so I kept working as usual. Later that night there were only a few people left and I had to go to the rest room. In the rest room I felt hill, passed out and crawled next to the wall. One of my coworkers Naveen found me there and despite my reassurance decided to take me to the local hospital (Los Robles Hospital). From there I was flown immediately to the S.Barbara Cottage Hospital where Dr. Zoner was ready with his surgery table. As soon as I was in his hands I had my massive stroke. Had it been otherwise I would be dead by now. So you see, God was watching over me, and He has been watching over me all through my journey.

I think it is all for today.. Enjoy the reading.
I have to say that Michael my room mate is a nice guy. We are getting a long very well.

We are watching the soccer match between Greece against Costa Rica.
The winner will go to play with the Netherland.
I think it is all for today.
I am going to get my shot in a bit.
Have a great day.

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