Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Morning June 08 2014

On Saturday we did all the cleaning of the house, then the shopping. I believe I have posted already my adventures at Trader Joe's. Well as I  have mentioned to you I always have good time over there. Both Jamie and Lisa  are my guardians that are looking over me and are ready to kid with me and to offer some help whenever I can't find anything.
As I could not find the beer, they confirmed that because of me they don't carry beer any longer!
I will leave it to that as we both knows what it means... :)

In the evening we went to the movie outing. We saw Maleficent with Angelina Jolie.
Raymond was kind enough to go ahead and to buy the tickets for us.

I am glad we saw this movie as it is really nice and for me meaningful.

Maleficent is the revisited story of the sleeping beauty, the young lady who got coursed to no fault of hers so she is banned from her kingdom until she would turn 16. Throughout her upbringing there is a  Gentle witch played by Angelina is watching over her to make sure she is safe. The story goes that the young lady was coursed  -the sleeping beauty after all- she would sting herself on a needle and  she would fall in a never ending sleep. The course was given by the Gentle witch. At the beginning she sees the young lady as an adversary but along the way she has a change of heart as she is captured by the innocence and spontaneity of the young girl, so she leans what an act of true love is about.

Well Angelina -the evil witch is  the one that acts to save the princess by a gesture of through love against her own spell. And so she awakes the sleeping princess and the sun shines  again over their hearts.

Only an act of true love manages to awaken the princess

Simona does it ring a bell to you. I feel your love in my heart, as I am becoming more a more awaken I feel you love flowing in me.

Going back to this morning I had a very yummy breakfast with Simona and her gift for her. I have actually wrapped it on my table on his original package so that it stays protected until she comes here. I have a few letters for her and for my family.

In the morning as I add time I reorganized my recyclable by cleaning my frigo from the old staff, and by going to grab the recyclable from Ernesto. He is always kind with me,   I  have been peeking over there to let him know that I have picked his recyclable. Today his family comes to visit him.

I have already prepared lunch for today.
Today's lunch is panned sired Tilapia filet with Quinoa, Avocado and Broccoli salad.

Always under Simona's careful watch.

 Michael Quinoa is not a beer! :)
Thank you for kidding with me.

Anna thank you for looking after the broccoli..
Somebody has to look after the family while I am gone.  

This morning I also have wrote a nice letter to Sara - my Case Manager at the clinic. For  Ian her youngest son, I have added  some stickers. You see whenever I go to Trader Joe's I always get stickers for Ian. Sarah knows it  and at Trader Joe's they know me. 
It is a gesture of kindness for Sarah and her family.

Yesterday I have received a nice email from Sol Gruner in Ithaca. Sol used to head the group of biophysics at Cornell University where I did my post doc. He sent me his best regards for a quick recovery. He got words from a friend of ours of my stroke so he is inviting me to hold the ground  and to get better. Also he is inviting Simona to stay strong. I know he means what he has written.

I called home today and found Anna- my mother in law and Chicco who was awaken. Today they are going to swimming lesson at the Rose Bowl.
Simona and Lapo were still sleeping, let them be in their dream land for a bit longer. After all only an act of true love can wake up the sleeping beauty. In this case I let you decide weather the sleeping beauty is Simona or Lapo.. I would say the former. After all she is my wife.. :)

I believe this is all my adventure for today.
Thank you for reading.

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