Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday June 23 2014

this is Giuseppe writing to you from the clinic.
This morning I delivered articles to Bethany and Laura. The research papers came to me from Lisa, she is helping me finding the research articles that the therapists at the clinic need for their job.

It is a job that needs organizational skills and memory skills, good for me.

Anyway over the weekend I had a lot of fun. I have already mentioned to you my adventure of last Friday at the gym.
On Saturday after taking care of the house -cleaning and washing my clothes,  I went to do Grocery shopping at Trader Joe's
Over there I snapped this picture with Jamie. We kid around whenever I visit her at the shop.
We talk about each other family and we always have a good time.

At Trader Joe's I get stickers for Sara my case manager and this time I had sticker for Dominique, Tami's son.
As I am bringing the bags Simona's number is entered in the raffle. Soon or later we are going to receive a call to get a winning tickets.

It is all good, they are all memory task for me.
Beside where ever I go in the community I am having a good time.
At grocery shopping it went very well, I followed my list and spent $77 dollars.. significantly better than my usual shopping. My goal is to converge on my allowance of $75.

On Saturday afternoon we went to the movie to see Edge of Tomorrow.  A nice movie with tom Cruise, it is actually a love story and it is based on a real good plot. Well the main character is trapped in a time loop and only the love for a girl manages to pool him out of his situation. I enjoyed the movie as it reminds me of my love for Simona.

Simona and the kids are at Cape Cod, Simona is attending a conference over there while our kids are enjoying some summer vacation. Our kids already met with Yami ( boy) , Kea, Elena (girls).
The boys are doing fine.

Yesterday it was Sunday and I have cooked some salmon in the stove, so that I did not trigger the alarm. This is what Simona has thought me to do.
I have been preparing a fruit salad with all the fruit I have in Fridge, so it is going to go to  good use.

I think I need to go.
Thank you Sarah, and mon amour merci bien a toi. Je t'aime.
Mon amour bon journee.
Chef Joseph

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