Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday June 30 2014

this morning I wake up early as usual, I greeted my roommate and wished him a good day. We shared coffee and cleaned our dishes by hand as we are ecologic buddies.
As usual I watered my flowers as I am watering my love for Simona every day. It grows and grows steadily but surely, as my flowers.
As I woke up I snapped this picture with my family. 

They are arrived in Rome, Italy  after a long flight to Italy from the East Coast. Simona and the kids are going to stay in Rome where Simona is originally from. The kids are going to stay with Anna, my mother in law and to enjoy a bit of beach time near Rome. Simona will be going to attend a workshop in Holland. Summer time is a busy time for a Professors at Cal tech, she is clearly a busy woman. 

She is clearly working hard to achieve her goals of being a successful person. It is  hard but she does is with a smile. After all the whole household relies on her shoulders. She is clearly doing her best as I am clearly doing my best always. 

Speaking about my family my breakfast has been consumed  as usual with their presence as you can see from the picture below.

I had a  very yummy and nutritious breakfast.

This morning at the clinic I left to Sara -my wonderful Case Manger a nice letter with some stickers for Ian her youngest son. 
Whenever I go to Trader Joe's I pick up some stickers. I then give it to Sarah for her son Ian. It is something I do with a lot of  gratitude. I know that Sarah appreciates it very much.
Also at Trader Joe's I bring bags for my shopping so that Simona's phone number is entered in the raffle. I am sure that soon or later she is going to get the call for being a winner... :)

This morning at the clinic I had my PT session.
 As  I am getting stronger and steadier I am running faster and faster. Sarah knows very well that I like running early in the morning before starting my day, so I think it is good to do my PT early in the morning.
Here is a snapshot of my run earlier this morning. 

I need to get back in shape as this year I did not make the cut for the soccer team. So my team had to do without me. Hopefully next year I will be able to go back to my original dream. 
I am sure it is possible!

Sarah and I have become a good team working together toward one goal, which is making sure I am getting better as fast as possible, so I appreciate her working hard for my schedule, above all, I fully trust  her good heart and endurance. She is clearly doing a very good job.

I think I need to go.
Have a good day and enjoy the reading.

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