Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday June 28

Yesterday I went to the 24 gym to do Zumba with honey. At the gym I have danced with Maria and greeted Drashdee. I have also met Larry and his wife Janice. She is pictured her below with me. She had a cancer removed from her throat so she is recuperating, this is why she is having a scar on her neck.
As I greeted her, I had the chance of giving her a lucky charm stone that I had. I told her it is for good luck.
I care about Larry and Janice a lot. I am sure God is watching over their life.

I went to the gym  with Faviola, Britney and Chris another patient of CNS.

Today is Saturday and I took care of the normal house maintenance of the apartment. I started my day by greeted my roommate and by  apologizing for my stupid behavior. As Sarah knows it quite well and she is always advocating for me being a better person. .

This morning I did grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. I had a lot of fun and greeted everybody over there.
I have spent $85, quite better than usual, then as I brought my bags, Simona's number got entered in the raffle. Finally I broght stickers for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of Sara my wonderful Case Manager. In the picture below you see stickers in my apartment ready for Monday delivery.

This morning  have also brought a flower to Jamie, we always kid together and talk always about each other family. Her daughter Delaney is doing better and better and also her son Logan is growing up strong and healthy.

Jamie knows me very well and she knows that I like to snap pictures with her so she patiently complies.

I have to tell you that my roomate Michael is really a nice person, I have decided that we leave together and that we are going to work together as a team. Michael has been in Colorado himself, and he likes a lot the area as well he likes a lot being a green and organic person.
I have resolved myself to do what is best for everybody.
Simona my wife just called me, she mentioned that our kids had a lot of fun at Cape Cod.

My lunch has been the following one: chicken drums with peeled tomatoes and broccoli. I have cooked it all by myself. I have to say I enjoying cooking a lot. And  whenever I cook I like to keep a picture of my wife next to me, so that I always remember who my wife is. 

Dr Madrilejo is  my doctor in charge of my growth hormome treatment. 
He has recently lowered my dose from 0.2 down to 0.1 mg daily. It is my daily shot that nursing administer me to get better and stronger. My wife Simona mentioned to me a few minutes ago that the dose has been reduced and will stay to 0.1 for the next 3 months. She has mentioned that I should talk to Susanne my nurse if I feel off. 
My wife Simona is at Cape Cod where she has been attending a conference with our kids. The whole family will be going to Italy tomorrow, the kids will be staying in Rome with Anna my mother in law. Simona is going to give a talk in Holland and she is going here from Italy.

Tomorrow is Sunday and surprise..
I need to go now
Simona I love you!
Sarah thanks a lot 

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