Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday June 9 2014

it is a beautiful Monday in Bakersfield.
Yesterday I have received my Economist magazines that were still in my old mail box.
I like reading it as it contains a lot of facts about the world..
For instance I found a nice picture of the new A 380 Airbus, I am really curious to get on board of one of these big monsters. I think I need to make a special request to Renee for my Personal Expense to buy the ticket.

Anyway Yesterday I went to Church here in Bakersfield at H Street where I had a very good service and I finally asked the name to the two people leading the quire. Their names are Mark and Amparo. They are husband and wife, they are always doing a very good job.

Over the weekend I had the chance of cooking some Quinoa, it is a healthy grain. I  found it very amusing as Michael always kids me that Quinoa might be a beer. So here it is a good mix of Quinoa and Avocado I snapped a picture of my activities, I call it Chez Giuseppe.

I have also been cooking some Sole breaded with  white flour and finally sprinkled with Lemon.

I have prepared a letter to Sarah with some stickers for Ian her youngest son.Whenever I go to Trader Joe's I always get stickers for Ian and as I am bring my bags I enter Simona's number for a chance to be extracted in the lottery. Soon or later she will have a call. I am sure. I always have a lot of fun being at Trader Joe's as mentioned before Jamie and  Lisa are always welcoming me with a huge smile.

Here is Jamie:

here is Lisa:

They all like to joke with me, particularly Jamie is a big supporter of mine. Her daughter Delaney is doing well. Since Delaney his  type II diabetic  she is home schooled, her little son is just two years old. Her husband Thorn is fine

As mentioned before Jamie confirmed that Trader Joe's does not carry anymore the beer that they use to have before. So right now this is a safe place for me to do shopping. 

My breakfast this morning  has been very yummy and healthy. I always have breakfast with mon amour Simoncina. I like keeping her picture close to my heart. She is my lovely wife.

On the latest Economist magazine issue I have received the is an interesting article on Digital imaging world. You see this is perfect for me as it is well matched to my professional interest before my stroke. I have put it aside and I will be reading whenever possible.

Alright, this is all for today, I need to go.
Have a good day, and a Blessed day.
Thank you Sarah and everybody.
Best Regards

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