Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday June 19 2014

let me back up a bit on my activities from yesterday.
As usual I went to the gym; I did Cycle with Angie and then I did body pump  with Sylvia. This time I stayed light on my weight, as last time I did this class I put too much weight on my back and as a results it hurts for a while.
At the gym I met Damian, Richard Drashdee, and Maria. Angie's  son is coming home this weekend.

I have also greeted Naomi, the manager, she is back from visiting her sister in Vegas

My coverage ad the gym was Adejanna, so to her goes my thank as well on behalf of my family.

At the gym Maria has been helping me with the weight and she has  chosen the right weight that was alright for me.  She is clearly a good friend of mine.

Simona and our kids are at Cape Cod, where the kids are attending a summer camp ad Simona is attending a conference.

Simona called me yesterday to mention that our kids have already found friends over there, in particular they play with Yami - a boy, with Kea and Elenena two girls.

Today I have been working at the clinic, I have been doing CR with Bethany, we worked on words fluency. My average score is 52%.
I have been working on my Parrot program with settings 6 letter, 3 second. My sore was 50% and average reaction time 17.35 ms

Today Brianne was helping Bethany. Brianne is from the LA clinic.
Bethany asked me to do some homework for tomorrow at 9am. She handed over me two worksheets. I am looking forward to work on them.

Tomorrow is Matteo Birthday. Matteo is Andrea's son. Andrea is Simona's brother. They leave in Brussels.

Andrea will be turning  5. His birthday celebration have started. I am sure he is going to have a wonderful birthday.

Today I snapped this picture for Simona. I am nourishing this plant as I am nourishing my love for my wife.

I am everyday giving it water as I am watering my love for Simona. Also I am protecting this little flower from the weather, as I am protecting my love for my wife. Once in a while it gets too sunny for the flower but such is life, isn't it? The key is that the flower is growing strong and healthy, the key is that the flower has time to grow and a large pot to prosper. The key is that the roots are strong and healthy. This is the way of the flower to grow.. don't you agree with me that the way of the flowers is the best to be?

 Long time ago I read a book Il Piccolo Principe.

it is a nice analogy for the flower and in the book it is mentioned that what makes your flower important is the time you spend nourishing it and the time you devote to its well being. I think it is really true. Hence I will be nourishing my  flower as I am nourishing my  love for Simona.
I have to go.
Have a great day.

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