Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday June 10 2014

Chicco and Lapo, my son have finished school and yesterday they were going at Taekwon-do. I spoke with them before going to the gym. I add the chance also to talk to Anna my mother in law. Anna is going back to Italy tomorrow.

 Simona my wife has a a conference in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. She is going over there and taking the boys with her so that our sons re going to enjoy some summer vacation. Afterward they are all going back to Italy for a couple of weeks. I am sure they are all going to have a blast over there. Particularly they will enjoy the gelato.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the gym with Kyle.

I did kickboxing with Christie, pictured below  on my far right. Next to me is Maria who has become a good friend of mine. She is a really good person.
Anyway we did a lot of cardio work. Naomi the gym Manager told me that as school is over here in Bakersfield, her daughter  and son, respectively 10 and 6 years old are in summer vacation in Vegas with Naomi' sister.

At the gym I always meet people of the community and I have become friends with everybody, so I am over there as much as I can. Obviously Sunday is Church day. Saturday is my outing day to go to the movie. Once in a while I need to do other staff, like personal shopping or air cut (like today) but normally I like the gym environment. It keeps me active and motivated to get better.

This morning I had a very yummy breakfast in my beautiful apartment. I add my breakfast together with Simona my wife. She is always with me wherever I go.
 I add a boiled egg with Simona's egg older that she brought me from a trip of hers.

A lot of healthy food that I like.
Today is Yoga day with Emy, I like doing Yoga with Emy, she has two daughters Madison and Olivia. They are two very nice girls. Today I brought Amy a letter for her daughters and  stickers for them. Right now they are on summer vacation, so when they will be back I am sure they appreciate the letter I gave her.
I am sure Amy has appreciated the thought of me being caring for her daughters.

Today it was my paying day. Michael is kidding with me that he is not sure about the Quinoa being a grain or a beer. Michael is always kidding with me about the Quinoa. Actually whenever I am in doubt about my publication material I am asking the therapists here at CNS, and everybody is helping me in directing my thought.
My mom is writing me from Verona, Italy to inform that my brother Francesco is enjoying is honeymoon in Thailand.
I need to go.
Enjoy the reading.

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