Sunday, June 15, 2014

Recent happenings

Alright, I have to back track a few days.

Danielle visited us the other day, on June 12th, she used to work here at CNS. Now she is a dispatcher at the Police Department in Bakersfield. I was happy to see her, here at CNS. We snapped this nice picture together.

Two days ago Simona visited me with our two sons (AKA The Broccoli). We went to eat at  Panera Bread.
We had a nice meal, and the broccoli found something to eat as well. They ordered Maccaroni and Cheese.

I had a salad and a sandwich. Then I tasted the Macaroni and Cheese left over from the broccoli.Not bad at all. I could be a real Italian food... :)

Just outside the center, I had the chance of meeting Jeremia who used to work at the recycle center here in Bakersfield. You see Jeremia standing next to me on my left side. I am the one with the Cal tech hat.

Jeremia told me that he is now working in the installation of solar panels.  He told me that he is getting married with his fiancee and that they have purchased the house with the swimming pool he was talking about. I am glad that I met him and that he confirmed that he is doing great.

 I guess Sarah might have something to do about this meeting of mine.

On  Saturday night I went to see a movie called 22 Jump Street.

 I have to say  I have seen better movie that this one...anyway it has been an interesting outing.

This morning - Father Day- my breakfast has been together with my family as usual. In addition I used the little gizmo that Chicco and Lapo made me as a present before leaving on vacation.
Today my eggs got the yolk liked outside the owl shape,  but it is OK once they are in my stomach they are getting broken anyway.

I also add coffee in my  mug that Lygia gave me for my Birthday. Today's coffe is with a touch of Hazelnut. A bit of variation for today's  celebration.

This morning I have been cooking for the next couple of days: I made Salmon in haven ( so that I don't smoke the house and I don't trigger the alarm) and then I have made some zucchini in a pan mixed with some eggplant marinated and cooked earlier. I have to say I have a lot of fun by cooking by myself.

I have also took a stroll in the park and found traces of the Leprechaun. I was a bit worried as it has been quite sometime that I  have not found any traces of this remarkable being.
 Finally it has decided to show up for Father's Day.

Simona my wife is on route to the East Coast with our sons. She is going to Cape Cod on the East Coast for a summer school. Families have been invited to attend as well. So she is bringing with her the  broccoli (our sons) as they have finished school and my mother in law Anna is now in Rome. 
Simona is staying in Cape Cod until the end of the month. Afterward she is going to Italy and immediately going to attend a conference in Holland. She is going to be in Holland until the 14th of July  (Fete de la Bastille). My wife has a really busy summer. I am very proud of her summer activities. Me? I am planning to stay out of trouble.. but I can't guarantee to you that once in a while I will find myself in some difficult situation.
Anyway I have some powerful allied on my side. God first of all, He has been watching over me for the past  four years. Second of all Sara my Case Manager, she has been pretty close to me as well. Then Simona is also standing close to me and she is my closet advocate. So you see I am pretty well set.. 
Well, enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.

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