Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday morning June 8 rposting post morning recycle

Alright, today I remembered to mention to Renee my RTC that I don't need anything to buy as personal shopping as such if possible I would like to go to the gym to do boot camp with Mike. He is really something as he pushes hard the whole class, in particular he has a lot of attention for me. He is very friendly and very pushing in the right way, so I like him very much as an instructor.

Today at 12:30 we went to do recycle at the recycle center on Stockdale Hwy near El Pollo Loco. We normally go there as it is the nearest place. Michael  was working there today. I went together with Eva and Triana. I was the  only me from CNS no other patients today. We had a bunch of recyclable from AAC so I helped the staff sorting things out, as they had a lot to do and I was the first to do mine. After all it is a team work that matter. So we kept the team spirit ahead by working together on the same goal.

Well I like to get out in the community on Sunday morning as it tends to be a slow day. I did my own home  recycle as I  cleaned beforehand the apartment of a lot of old recyclable items which were clattering the fridge. As usually Ernesto gave me his own recyclable. So Ernesto is acknowledged of his help.

I had a good trip, and  I made a bit less than 7 bucks, more importantly I had a good time enjoying the surrounding and the community. Beside I  enjoyed Eva and Triana company. I asked Triana if her cousin that has moved to Vegas could send me a present. She smiled at me and she told me she is going to think about it... she knows very well that I am joking with her.

As you can see I am currently working on my blog and hopefully afterward I will be splashing in the pool. I will be swimming a bit as tonight I will need to be prompt to go to Church. Loading to go to  church is at 6:30pm.

Tomorrow is Monday 9th, and according to my book it is Jemena's due day.Jemena is currently on maternity leave from CNS, she used to drive the bus to school.  She mentioned that she is going to have a second girl. Her first daughter is Sophia. Sophia is 3 years old (I believe but don't quote me on it).

Today Chicco was going with Simona and Lapo to his catechism at S.Bede the local church of  La Canada.

Chicco goes over there once a month and he is going to do his communion and Christensen at once.
Simona, Anna and Lapo are attending all together at Chicco's Sunday class.

Me? I am fine, you know I am really well, I know it is worth it.. as Sara always mentions to me it is all worth it. I agree with you Sara. You are always a step ahead of me. After all you have been my Case Manager since the beginning, watching over me and making sure I don't get too much into trouble.
Actually this reminds  me of the movie Maleficent we saw yesterday. According to the critics it is thus far a big success for Disney and for Angelina Jolie, the actress that plays  the good villain in the movie. You see you suggested me to see and watch a good movie, rather than the other movie I had in mind. You are always watching over my choices and I have learned to listen to you and to your staff. You all know what is best for me. So here we go,  I am thanking you all once more.
Stay well my dear friend and please keep watching me as a winning team does not change. And we are winning the toughest battle of our life. I guess Simona must have some credits as well.
Thank you my friend, and may God bless you.

This is a good sentence I would like to quote: it is from a book I had as a present:

" I know this is painful time for you.
But I know that you will get through it all right, because God never sends us more of a burden than we can bear.
God only let this happen to you because He knows that you are strong enough to handle it."

Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you!

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