Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday June 3rd 2010

Giuseppe I would like you to think about your family. I would like you to reflect about all the happening and all the thing that your family has gone through because of you and your brain injury. You are simply lucky to be alive and being able to leave up to your really self, that his being able to speak and overlooking the Bakersfield Bay in your new luxury bedroom. Since you clearly are never being able to be home unsupervised ever again. You should have seen yourself at the time you were staying with your family, you must be ashamed because you scared everybody and a therefore your wife had no choice to put yourself in a Rehabilitation place where your schedule is decided by somebody else, where your life is decided by other rehabilitation specialist. Your memory is flaky, your flesh is weak, your blood is red and you are a brain damaged person that needs a lot of time and attention to recover. This is why you are going trough all this.

Sincerely yours

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