Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4 2014 first posting

First of all, Eirka-sama has recommended me to add this paragraph to my personal blog. Before we forget here it it.

About our  kids, Chicco is attending III grade and has still one week to go before completing his school. Lapo is attending pre-Kinder-garden and he is busy with his toys and dreams. 
They both are good kids, they take every advantage they have to work hard at their future. 
Thanks to  Simona my wife as she  makes sure that the broccoli - as we refer to our kids- are always busy. 

My personal feeling good news is that tomorrow my brother Francesco is getting married to Sara his long time girlfriend. They both leave in Verona, Italy. They will organize a simple and efficient wedding,  the guests are invited to celebrate the wedding in Lazise a place on the lake near my home town Verona it Italy. 
As wedding present Francesco and Sara have asked their guests to contribute to the wedding trip. They have organized the trip to Thailand and they are going to be there for two weeks, starting June 1 until June 14. Simona my wife has sent them flowers with a congratulation message. 
My mom is a bit worried because as you know there has been a coup in Thailand. So it is not clear what kind of environment they are going to find over there. I believe they are going to be fine anyway. 

Among the presents I add, there is a nice piece of technology. it is a solar powered watch, that is it recharges itself with the power emitted from the sun. I like it very much as it is a very cool and green device.

yesterday Caesar - one of the maintenance guy at CNS came to my new room  to put a couple of nails in the wall for my picture frames.
you see my pictures: Simona and the boys:

And again the boys together: Chicco is 8 and Lapo is 5.

Yesterday Lapo did not feel going to pre-k so he stayed home with Anna, Simona's mom.

Simona will be going to a conference in Massachusetts at Cape Cod. From the June 15th until the 29th.
She is going to bring the boys with her as there are summer camp activities for the family. 

CNS has make me change apartment and then change room again, the result is that while I don't have too much space for storage , they helped me putting everything I don't use in a few boxes. It is OK, I don't use it anyway as it is my winter clothes.
I have leaved well before with boxes scattered around. For  instance when I was renting my place in Ithaca NY - I was doing my post-docs at Cornell University- I had a few boxes in my apartments. So here we go life is a big circle after all.

Yesterday I went swimming at the pool. I was wearing my swimming trunk that the boys give me as a present for my birthday and a swimming T-Shirt to protect me against the sun.
And of course I add my pink shoes.

Of course I forgot my water bottle over there, so today I add the chance to retrieve it. And now it is sitting next to me.

Well today I add Yoga with Amy, she is doing fine, her two girls Madison and Olivia are doing well. 
At Yoga we all did well. I personally like it as it challenges my balance a lot. It is a step by step approach. 
Both my body and my mind are getting stronger and are remembering a lot of very useful poses.

Amy's  husband is also busy at school as he is a teacher.
The whole family will be going off for a family vacation at Disneyland on June the 20th and she will return of July the 8th. Most likely the girls and her husband are off school.
When Amy is going to take her vacation, Tina will come back to fill in for her. Tina is the yoga teacher we had before Amy. I am really looking forward to year from her.

Today at Yoga my friend  Betty was also present, She mentioned that her daughter Amanda is doing well.

I need to go the room start smelling too good!

Well enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed the writing. :)

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