Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday June 29

Alright yesterday it was movie time.
We went to watch Think like a man too a nice comedy about a wedding taking place in Las Vegas and about the adventures of all the guests for attending the wedding. Of course the wedding does take place but in a different form than it had been envisioned by the sweet couple.
 I have tried to have bids but as the movie theater was out I enjoyed having a slash drink winch is much healthier than any other treat.

The staff at Maya theater also offered me to have some popcorn, I have accepted and enjoyed the offered.

this morning I watered my flower as I water it I am thinking about my wife Simona and the connection we shared.

My breakfast this morning has been really good, really healthy and yummy as usual. Together I had it with my family.

I am very proud of being a dad of a beautiful family.
Simona and the boys are leaving Cape Cod in Massachusetts  and are flying to Italy, Rome. 

 Simona is leaving our two sons in Rome with her mom. Our sons (the broccoli) are going to spend time with Anna in Rome and will be going to the beach. Simona in the meanwhile will go to attend a workshop in Holland.

Anyway this morning I snapped this picture with my family.

Today my boss Lester is coming to CNS  to visit me. We are going for lunch at Tahoe Joe's steakhouse since we both like to eat a good steak.

Afterward I will be going to church as every Sunday. At Church I will be meeting Mark and Amparo two people that are singing in the local church quire. 

Going to church is always good for me, tonight I am going to meet Lucy. Lucy  is Daniel's mom, she is the lady with the yellow shirt on my right hand side.

Right now we are kicking around ideas for food with Michael, he is a very interesting person we have some very similar interest particular when it comes to food.
I have done enough for this morning.
Thanks Sarah.
God bless your patience and really attention to everybody in particular to me.
On behalf of my family and me.

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