Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday June 24

Alright, yesterday I went to the gym. I dd Kickboxing with Alicia. Over there I met as usual Maria, Damian, Drahsdee  and Richard. I started doing cycle with Lolita and then it was time to go as my coverage was over. 
I went there with Chanel who is now a supervisor. Since it was late there was no time to stop by La Cantina.

Today I woke up early as usual and had a good breakfast thinking about my family.
I have watered my plant  which are really getting strong a  beautiful..

Today I have been working hard at the clinic, I  had my CR session with Erika-sama and we went at Starbucks coffee. Here is a picture of me with a good coffee drink.

Then I did  Yoga. This week  Tina is back as Amy is on vacation with her family. Tina has retired at Shaver Lake.
it is a beautiful area as you can see from these pictures.. Her dog Crazy Lilli is fine and she is as crazy as always. It is good to see Tina being back.

I had a wonderful lunch with Tilapia pan seared with flour and sprinkled with capers and lemon juice. Then some Bruxelles sprouts  and Tostadas from Simona. Well I am a good chef, I enjoying cooking.

After lunch I had a wonderful happy hour with my vanilla flavored coffee.

By the way today it was my pay day, so I am thanking all CNS for its graceful courtesy.
I need to go.
Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.
I love you Simona please stay well at Cape Cod.

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