Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday June 12 2014

yesterday Anna my mother in law left US to go to Rome, Italy ahead of Simona.

My wife Simona pictured down below has to go to Cape Cod Massachusetts for conference as explained to you in a different posting. She  will go over there together with our two sons as they are going to attend a summer camp in Massachusetts.

The family is well and the kids are also out of school and out of troubles.

Anyway,  yesterday I went to the gym to do Cycle with Angie picture below to my right. It is a coincidence that we  wear green. To tell the whole story, I brought two shirts, the green one was as a spare so I did not use it except for the picture. This is why mine looks better.

Angie is going to the East Coast to meet with her family. I asked her to remember to bring me back something.. she smiled at me and she said she is going to think about it... we are both just kidding.

I know I am kidding anyway!

This morning I had breakfast with my wife Simona, as usual I like to start my day thinking about her. I had blueberry and yogurt.. the blueberry is to take care of my green eyes.. which  always put me in a lot of troubles.. but c'est la vie. I know I love my wife and our kids.. so it is OK. It is a limited troubles anyway.

At the clinic I had a very good session in CR  with Michelle and it went great. I am making progress in my words fluency. Everyday is a good opportunity to add to the word count. She is teaching me to think about words that start with a given letter, of course no proper nouns are allowed.

I worked also on the CNS blog.
The structure for the CNS blog is the following:

     1) a world update
2) a local news
          3) a feeling good news

After my CR  I had a really good PT session, I like to run and I pushed hard. My goal is to reach 2 miles within the time I have available. I thank Sarah my Case Manager for allowing me to run as much as possible at the clinic. Whenever I run I feel great! It is an RT day for me...

Running is good for my equilibrium and my balance. You see my issue stem from a stoke affecting my cerebellum, the brain organ that is in charge of the equilibrium. So my therapy goals to get better are to improve my movement and my agility. I have to say that at the gym where I go  I do a lot of cardio and light weight. I personally don't want to bulk up to much but trim enough to have a good tonic body. I am reaching that goal with patience and with a lot of light exercise.
Beside, I believe that Simona- my wife- would not approve me bulking up too much. So at the gym I do a lot of light weight exercise.
Well today is a Zumba day, you see today I am going to have a lot of fan. Today Mike is our Zumba instructor.

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