Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday February 27 post lunch posting

I had a wonderful good lunch.. I brought a staffed pepper (see yesterday posting),  an avocado, an apple and a banana.

My  wonderful coffee was also consumed after carefully brushing my teeth. I have greeted Isabelle, Sophia, Matt, CK.

I had my lunch on the patio  as it is a good day to breath the air outside. I am always eating outside and the staff knows it very well..they are used to my habit. Today CNS had provided food to the patients here at the AAC but I had brought my own lunch anyway. I am a very good chef in the kitchen, I have a lot of resources and I know how to combine all the ingredient in a healthy and savory way. I like to eat healthy non-fat items that I am preparing  by myself.

Over lunch I called Simona my wife who was about to go for her lunch break. Simona mentioned that our two sons have already come back  home today, however I have not been able to talk to them during my  lunch.

It is fine, I talked to Simona anyway. Our sons are with Anna -Simona's mom- who is going to stay with us for another 3 weeks.

Friday February 27th 2015

Yesterday evening I came back from therapy and I  made staffed peppers. I had some summer squash risotto leftover and  added it  to the ground turkey and bread crumbs.

Then I combined it with a  couple of eggs to provide the gluing protein.
I adjusted salt, pepper and spices and carefully mixed.

I cut the green pepper vertically in halves and filled them with the moist ground turkey.

While preparing the filling, two  pans were put in the oven with coconut oil to provide some temperature resistant good oil.- Coconut Oil is good for high temperature cooking.

As I had more filling left over I have been using it on a separate pan and it cooled by itself. Hence in the picture above you see the bell pepper's pan in the forefront and the second one in the background with some filling alone. I have not decided yet how I am going to use it. I will find a creative way during the weekend.

I set the oven at 350F for 40 minutes and finally use the broil for the last 10 minutes.

While the dinner was cooking I have been writing a good letter to my kid, last night they were at Taekwon-do class. Writing to my kiddos is good for my small movement precision and hence is a form of  home therapy that I am doing greatly at the apartment by myself. 

Controlling the small movement precision is something that helps my recovery. Hence I have started to pay attention to my writing as well.

This letter says at the end: " I am happy you kiddos are doing all your very best"

Finally  I went to the 24 fitness gym as it was my Zumba night with Mike.

As usual at the gym I had an uninvited guest in the form of patient EC.

Before leaving as usual I greeted Kaia here at my right hand side. 

My point to you CNS is that at the gym I like to go by myself... no patients please only -forceful- NRS Staff.  Right now I am a handicapped and unable to be left at the gym by myself. I am using the world handicapped as CNS keeps parking on the handicapped reserved spot which is reserved when using this sign. 

You see CNS you really have to understand that I like to be left alone by myself... this includes my gym time and it includes everything else.

At the gym I met Jessica who works at CNS.. you see I don't mind her as she is an NRS working at CNS but please spare me the patients and particularly spare me patience EC as well.

Yesterday as usually I went to bed and slept alone .. as I have been sleeping alone for the past 4 years...

I wake up early as usual and greeted Brian at the reception by phone. He is always a good person to talk to and he is always so full of energy.

I then got ready for my morning and had a good breakfast. 
I have started eating  in the morning some Ghee (Clarified butter) with my bread and honey.

You see it is a clearly better product that the butter itself.

A I was early as usual I cleaned by hand everything in the apartment. Using my hands is also good for my recovery process it helps my brain to feel and to coordinate my hand eyes gestures again.
So I am washing happily by hand as much as I can.
Clearly NPR radio is always filling my time whatever I am doing.

I  do not watch any TV but I am an avid listener of NPR radio.

While on our way to the old clinic we were all in the bus and of course as it happens we all got stuck next to a bank as a NRS had to get to this place.

You see this is a wonderful service where patients come first .. obviously this is yet another example of the wonderful service of CNS.

Apparently nobody in the bus was surprised clearly they all have accepted the fact of being held hostage by CNS.. the only person that looks forward to get the hell out of it is Dr. Rossi.

Anyway this morning Dr. Rossi called his wife Professor Simona Bordoni who told him the kiddos were already at school.

You see the key in life is to be married to a person that can take care of the house while Dr. Rossi is held hostage at CNS, Bakersfield. 

Dr Rossi is clearly way bored and tired of being held hostage at CNS.. 
By the way does CNS have any hostage negotiator that can be used? It is a rhetorical question as it is clearly such a high level function that in this environment is not provided.

Enjoy the reading as Dr. Rossi has been enjoying writing to you all.
I hope you find the story very instructive.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday Feb 26 post lunch entry

It is a wonderful Thursday in Bakersfield. Spring time is around the corner as the local trees are blossoming. As usual I had my lunch outside breathing some refresh air.. and as usual turning my back at everybody.. I like it this way..

I had a wonderful rice with summer-squash  that I made yesterday.

I par it with a healthy salad with Chia Seed, spinach, avocado and carrot.

As I have not finished the rise I will be using today.

I am planning to prepare staffed green bell peppers.

This is the plan of action:

Preheat the oven at 450F

- two green bell peppers
-  mix the summer quash risotto with ground turkey beef
- add some spices and some bread crumble.
-  add a couple of eggs
-mix everything and add some spices

Let the mix rest for a few minutes

Cut in half the green bell peppers

Fill the peppers with the mix.

Have a pan ready and  make sure to use coconut oil.

Bake it for 40 minutes.
Finally for the last 10 minutes turn the oven to broil to make sure the peppers are browned.

Enjoy ..

Thursday February 26 2015

Yesterday once at the apartment I have been cooking summer-quash risotto. First I prepared the base made of summer-squash with a bit of soffritto. I added butter, some vegetable bouillon I had available. Once the rice was cooked (about 20 minute of cooking time) I added Parmesan cheese and adjusted the salt. 

While the dinner was getting ready, I have been writing to my kids a nice and positive letter.
At the end I have been writing "Dad Kisses you".
The letter is addressed to the whole family including my mother in law Anna.

Yesterday Chicco was working at his homework, while Lapo had already finished his homework for the whole week. Ann mentioned that Lapo is very focused and when he is working he is working hard.. Chicco is also good in is staff at home. Chicco is in IV grade while Lapo attends Kindergarten.

The boys yesterday had piano lesson with Liz.

I had a really good dinner: Spinach Salad with Chia seeds, the risotto with summer squash and ricotta as a side,

Before leaving to the gym I have booked the movie outing for Saturday evening.

 I have also collected the outing schedule at the reception, as every Wednesday we have a new schedule outing released.

I then went to the 24 fitness  gym

As  it was Wednesday I had cycle with Angie. 

She is the lady with the blue bandanna and red shorts. Angie is always goofing with me and she is making sure that I am having a good time over there.

I am the dude that needs a hair cut and he is making bunny hear to Angie.

Angie's two sons are doing great and so she is happily working hard herself.

After cycle I had time to do body pump with Leslie as Sylvia was not not available.

As I started doing  body pump my coverage at the gym was over and it was time for me to go back to the apartment.
Before leaving I greeted Kaia who had been gratuitously smiling for me.

Finally it was time to go back,  Young Chelsea who did my coverage was hungry and for me anyway it was time to start my shut down operations for the evening.

However as I was leaving I met Janice and  her husband Larry, then Hefsir, basically the whole community of people that I normally meet at the gym.  It is always hard for me to leave the gym as I keep meeting people that I am familiar with. Apparently I am well known where ever I go.

At the apartment I got into the shower,  a final evening snack and my meds. Before falling asleep I took this picture of my family. I am calling this picture "Amore mio" ... Simona knows what it means "inter nos".

This morning I woke up early as usual, I can't sleep past a certain time of the day anyway.
Hence I have time to do my staff , having a good breakfast and  washing by hand everything. 

This is my breakfast while NPR radio is  buzzing in the background.

Milk, Cereal, Yogurt,  peanut butter and honey with whole grain toasted bread.

Finally a couple of coffee cups not included in the picture.

Afterward I helped in trowing  the trash that Dag let me find outside so that I can walk stairs downward and upward. It all a good exercise in the morning. 

This morning I greeted Doug as well and asked Lupe my housekeeper to check on the right hand light bulb of my shove as it is flickering. 
Flickering is a sign of getting a problem with the starting circuit or with the inner working circuit of the lamp, a sign of an impending failure.

As I was waiting to come to the AAC I took a selphie and sent it to Simona.

Right now I am working in downloading my memory activities and finally I will be able to do something more.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lunch Feb 25

Surprise surprise!

A wonderful and delicious lunch.

A cod fillet cooked yesterday when the thawing was done.
Then a even healthier dose of steamed broccoli with Tostadas from Simona.

A home made staffed mushroom 

Wednesday Feb 25 morning lunch

Yesterday when I came back to the apartment after the therapy I have been preparing Cod Fillet in the oven.

I have allowed the cod to thaw in the fridge since the evening before as I purchased it frozen.

I seasoned the cod fillet with some light spice and cooked for twenty minutes. As usual  I broiled for  five minutes to brown on the top.

While the fish was cooking I made broccoli flower in the microwaves. Then once ready I dressed with Olive oil, vinegar a tad of salt and garlic powder. 

I am extra careful when using the salt as it is bad for one's blood pressure.

Overall I had a very good dinner. The Tostadas is a much and is from my wife Simona.

Afterward I went to the gym for my daily work out. I had Zumba with Mike. Over there I  greeted Lupe, Nafsir, Kashi and many other of the local community.

Danielle brought me to the gym yesterday evening. And of course before leaving I snapped a picture with the guy at the reception.

As is was very late Danielle brought me back to the apartment and I call it the night.

Once at the apartment I  had my shower, a light snack and my night meds: Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone.

This morning I wake up as usual at 6:45am.. get ready for my day.

I had a good breakfast: Milk, High Fiber cereal with Blueberry. A cup of oatmeal. Also a toast with Honey and Ghee (clarified butter). Ghee is a new item for me as I purchased it last Saturday at Trader Joe's. Thus far I am happy with my pick. It is 60% saturated animal fat.

At the reception I purchased two pins for our two sons, one for each. 
Simona is aware as I let her know this morning as she was getting ready for her day.

We have this understanding: that is I can buy very simple and inexpensive items for our kiddos.

For the most  important items of the  family she has the pulse of the situation. For instance when she comes here in Bakersfield we are always going to buy some clothes for our boy, at  the  local mall there are always good sales our boys.

Enjoy the reading.. I am going to work on my CR.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday February 24th

Yesterday I went to Trader Joe's my favorite local store.

As usual I add a lot of fun. 
I spent $81.29, got stickers and raffle tickets as I have brought back the reusable bag.

I greeted Jamie and kidded as usual with her. She is the person in green next to me.
We always goof around when we are paired together.

Before leaving I snapped a picture of Meredith in blue with Garry on the far distance.

They all know me and the greet me by saying "Hi Joseph"

It is always a good experience for me going over there as I am recognized as part of the local community of people.
Nobody calls me patient or 321, they all call me Joseph (my name in English).

So whenever I am going anywhere in the community it is a big and positive boost for me.

After ward it was dinner time and I  had a healthy dinner while lessening to NPR.
I have been preparing as well sweet mochi that I have been given by Jinqiang Chen
 who works as a post doc with Simona.

While the Chinese Mochi were cooking I have been writing to my fanily a good and encouraging letter for my two sons and for Simona. 


Whenever I am writing to our kids I am writing in English and block letters. I am addressing the letter to both Chicco and Lapo. Despite Lapo is too little to read right now I am sure that there will be a time when he can enjoy these letters as well.

I have concluded my letter to the boys by saying "Please take care of Simona while I am away"
To be able to stay peaceful and strong I have to make sure that my family is doing great. 
There are been time when the boys are taking time to get things together, it is understandable  as  they have seen and heard things that nobody should be witnessing in his own life time.  
Hence it is important for me that my family stays strong.

 Yesterday I spent my day by taking care of the normal business.

This morning I have been waking up early as usual, get my early morning routine done and finally got my breakfast, done. A healthy mix of grain, milk, bread honey and peanut butter. Also I had my daily dose of blueberry. Since I started eating a lot of blueberry my eyes are getting better and my eyesight is clearly improving.

Simona told me she has brought our kiddos to school afterward she has headed to her work at Caltech University.

Simona is clearly a very strong and awesome person.
I own everything to her.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Feb 23 post lunch posting

Thank you very much to Andy for allowing me the use of the computer.

At lunch as a part of the cooking club we have been making Fajitas.
We cooked the weal meat on the stove, cut the veggie - avocados green and red peppers  cilantro.

The rice was cooking last and I have been enjoying the pairing with the fajitas.

This is the result

Lunch came out really well. 
I learned that beans are a good source of food.
Hence today I am planning to buy some more.. I am always looking for new ideas for my food as I am constantly looking for new source of new recipe.
It is always welcome the input of the local manager as I am discovering new opportunities to mix together some ingredients.

After lunch I called home and found Lapo our little son as usual at home with Anna my mother in law.
Lapo is a very cute little boy, he is very young - he is 5 years old and he is  warming up to me. We have been separated for the past 3 years since my injury and he has been knowing me during my recovery.. which means during the worst time and during the good time. 
I am always working hard to reach him. In fact our eldest son -Chicco- who is now has been knowing me during the best time and he remembers me the way I used to be. 
He has not been exposed to the worst part of me - or perhaps he was old enough and has been able to block it out.

In  a few minutes I needs to go.

Monday February 23 church posting

Yesterday evening I came back to CNS on time for Church. I am going to S.Francis in H street.
It is always an uplifting experience for me going to church. I like it very much hence I am happy for being able to get there on time.

On my way out I have snapped this picture of the Mary with a rose on her hands.

It is a very deferential picture taken outside the church as inside I do not feel comfortable pulling out my phone. For me it is respecting the holiness of this place. I guess you understand and share my feeling on this matter.

Well going back to my weekend, again thank you Simona, Anna and our two sons. Thank you for being you and for making sure I am always finding my way back to you.

With Simona my wife on the way back we talked about my feeling. I was sharing with her that whenever I am going around LA I notice people watching me in a funny way. She mentioned that she understands it very well as it is me walking in a funny way. I do not bend that much my legs. It is far better that I used to do. Simona mentioned that it is fine, the key for me is to keep walking and  and maintaining a large base so that my equilibrium is guaranteed.
I need to go to attend the cooking club.

Monday Feb 23rd posting

Over the weekend I was back home. At home our two kiddos have been really good. Lapo the little one was all over the place as usual. Very active and very interested on any thing.

Chicco the eldest was working hard at his homework.
Here he is shown on a moment of break.

Chicco is attending IV grade and he is working on a project for school. It entails reading a book and working on a presentation and on a book cover.  Chicco has completed his project. He has been helped by Anna my mother in law. Anna is Simona's mom. Anna came from Rome, Italy where she normally leaves to stay with us until the beginning of march.

I brought backs two books for our kiddos.  In this picture it is shows a Dr. Seuss book  for Lapo the little one, then I brought for Chicco a book about Mind-craft has he is very much into this matter.

On the coffe table it is shown the latest project that Chicco has been working for school.

In the evening we went to have dinner with Jinqiang Chen who is a post doc  working with Simona. Simona is shown in this picture cutting the cake we  brought for dinner.

This is a picture with me, Jinqiang Chen on my left hand side. In between we have Chicco next to me and Lapo at my left hand side next to Chen.

Maribelle is the landlord of the house where Chen leaves in Arcadia.

Maribelle used to be a teacher and now she is retired.
Chen and Maribelle have found a good menage and they appear to getting along very well.

At dinner we had apple juice...

Chen story is very interesting. As soon as arrived to Caltech he was swimming in the pool over there when he had an accident and he drawn. He was found unconscious under water.  He was promptly driven to the ER and put back to his feet. Caltech Provost gave the order of doing anything possible for Chen to facilitate his recovery. And now he is a very bright young person blessed for being around and happy for thriving. I guess GOD has a plan for each of us.

The boys have been playing piano at home. I have recorded them playing the piano. This is Lapo

Anyway both Chicco and Lapo are proficient in playing the piano. Chicco is clearly more advanced and Lapo the little one is playing the piano with one finger at the time. 

These are the journeys' book for our boys.

We also took the boys for a hair cut we went to Little Kutz, a hair saloon for children.

This is Chicco

This is Lapo having is new hair cut.

The boys here playing with each other.

On Sunday we left La Canada on our way to Bakersfield. First we went to do some clothes shopping for our kiddos. Simona purchased jeans pans for both Chicco and Lapo.

Afterward we eat at our favorite pizza place : Blaze Pizza.

 It is a fast pizza casual food that is now increasing its presence in California.
The advantages are many:

1) you can build your own pizza by choosing your own toppings. 
2) it is a very casual and trendy place in Southern California. 
3) it is an inexpensive place to eat, our kiddos love this place as well.

In this picture we are all enjoying our lunch. 

Over lunch Chicco teased Lapo and called him Lapolina ..
The boys are always pushing each other envelopes.

We went to the Glendale galleria  to buy pans and clothes for the boys.
Over there there was a nice exhibit of Lego building. The show was about replicating the Washington monuments.

Afterward  it was time to leave. We took both Chicco and Lapo back at home with Anna my mother in law. Simona and I came back to Bakersfield. It was raining and it took a little bit for driving back.
Nevertheless I arrived back on time for church at S. Francis.