Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tilapia cooking Wednesday 4

Cooking club lesson #3

Cooking tilapia is very easy.. warm a pan in the oven with Coconut oil (it has a very high smoking point). Dress the Tilapia with pepper and salt and in this case with Orange juice and some Orange pulp.

Let it cook for about 30 minute at 250F.. for the last 5 minute you can also broil the Tilapia.

A grilled eggplant on the stove is also paired and dressed with Basil and spices ... Eggplant is  rich in nutrient and very healthy in fiber.

Hence enjoy the whole preparation.

After my cooking class -just to be off on the cooking- I went to the gym.

Yesterday on Tuesday it was bootcamp with Johnny. I worked hard keeping the core tight and working on my strength. Johnny is a very nice person always optimistic and he knows the capabilities of the whole team. 

I then started dancing Zumba with Mike and it was time for me to go home.

Diego Rivera brought me back and forth from  the gym, he is a very nice person and full of attention.
Hence my gratitude goes to Diego  for his coverage and wiliness to work with me again.

While at the gym I snapped this picture with Kaia at my far left hand side and with Frank - the gym Manager at my near left.
They both know me and are happy to appear with me in my pictures.

Once at home I took a shower, got a snack, got my Divalproex, Melatonin and Trazodone and went to sleep.

Apparently all the medication above are treating major depression disorder.. which I must have on going. Anyway with this medication I am falling asleep very tight until then my body wakes up at 6:45am everyday.. My body is used to get up at that time.. I can't sleep any longer.
Hence I wake up get ready for the day..

This morning a NRS knocked at the door of my apartment while I was taking a shower.. apparently CNS is not aware I am independent: I wake up by myself, I take the shower by myself, get my own meds..  
I have been asking CNS not to bag me while I am in the shower and I am hoping the message is being received loud and clear.
I let Miss Mary at the reception know about my wish and I am sure this is an accident and will not be repeating itself.

As the banner in my apartment says I am independent and hence I would like to be treated as such ..

Anyway I cleaned the apartment, get ready for the day (shower and getting dressed in a properly way)..

My morning medication were taken properly on time and the med sheets signed as well.

I am having breakfast with a very healthy way.. picture perfect with Simona and my kiddos.

I washed my staff by hand and let it dry in the dishwasher.

I went to say hi to the whole Maintenance crew: James, Brad and Jarron and Caesar : they all know me very well and they enjoy my presence whenever they are available.
We all  lough in the morning together and then we all get going for the day.

And in fact today we snapped this picture of me as Jarron had a case of orange. It is a nice and funny picture perfect for being displayed.

Today they told me they would like to have as well about 50 patents like me.. as a matter of fact I have  reached about 50 patents in my former carrier and as a result I have been taking a nice satisfaction from my work.

Simona my wife called me this morning.. she was getting ready for her day.
Our kiddos have got the flu hence they all have been affected.
Simona told me that she is going to come on Sunday with  Chicco and Lapo after the kiddos's swimming lesson.

We are going to eat together and we will go to watch the Sponge bob movie.

Simona has been sending me a Soda Stream machine that will be arriving on Friday, February the 6th.

It is an easy to use carbonating machine it makes a delicious sparkling water. We have it at home- 660 Pomander Place- La Canada and it works great. It is very easy to use and very practical for guaranteeing a  home supply of sparking water. Hence I am looking forward for receiving this gizmos from Simona.

I just shaken hand with Dr. Ashley  the founder of CNS. He is a very nice person and it is very good to see him today. Dr. Ashley funded CNS  as his brother suffered a brain injury. At the time there were no facilities able of taking care of his brother so he founded the first clinic of CNS here in Bakersfield out of necessity.
Dr Ashley showed that with time everything is possible. Repetition, patience and courage are the best skills to use in case of getting back to an independent life.

Nowadays thanks to the success of CNS in Bakersfield there are also similar clinics  in S.Francisco, Los Angeles and Dallas.

Bakersfield has two locations at least : The AAC (Adult Activity Center) and the main clinic in Ashe Road. 
Clearly this is a very good medical business to be involved with.
As many time it has been suggested to me, therapy costs are charged to one's insurance most of the time the relevant Case Manager is in charge of deciding weather to charge the full cost or only a faction of it. 

As in my own case Sarah G is my Case Manager and she has been making sure that I had the best care ever.
Over the past four year of my recovery I have costed the insurance really a lot of money..
In the order of a few Million of Dollars certainly. I am estimating as I do not have the exact figure.. every time I see my Case Manager Sarah she is telling me Giuseppe you are welcome!

Well it is good to be around to be able to write these words to you..
hence thank you CNS and Sarah.

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