Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday Feb 13 Taco Salad Friday

This morning at the clinic we have prepared a good home made Taco Salad.
It is a delicious combination of avocados, black and garbanzo beans, lettuce Salad and black olive.

The dressing was home prepared: a very good mild red sauce mixed with white yogurt. Finally we added some cilantro and Italian olive oil. We stayed light on the salt as salt is bad for  anybody's blood pressure.

Here is me having fun with my black apron. A glass on my right hand is a fine picture. Rather than making a picture with the cutting knife I was using a glass is a better picture to post.

The Taco Salad was  our lunch for today. There was enough to share for everybody to share.

This morning  I have also helped Amanda to remember that  last Tuesday we had purchased as well the Tacos.
So we could all have Tacos with our salad as  well. I went ahead and distributed Tacos to all the patients here at the enrichment center.

During lunch I called home and talked to my sons. As they were eating we exchanged a very short message. They are going to be at home from school until next Tuesday February the 17th in occasion of the President's Day Federal Vacation.

After lunch Simona called me to check on me. I know she is very busy as well and we kidded about me doing a lot of Zumba on her behalf.
She confirmed me that this weekend they are not coming to visit me here in Bakersfield.
It is fine by me, I will have a very busy and dynamic weekend anyway. I am always having very good weekend in Bakersfield. 
Going to the gym this evening, it is my Zumba day.

 Tomorrow I will be  taking care of cleaning the whole apartment and doing my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. I will then be going to the movie in the evening to catch a movie. I would like to see the movie called Kingsman with Colin Firth.

Well I am going to have as usual a very busy and entertaining weekend. I will be preparing some good food and having some good time reading the Economist and my book

It is called to be happy and to be self sufficient.

As one of the book I have read said about being mindful you have to apply yourself to  " Respond rather than react" this is the key about the practice of mediation. It takes time effort but it is readily available to everybody and it is a choice we can all make in our experience and busy life.

I am going to do some CR work.
Enjoy the reading,

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