Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday Feb 10

Yesterday I wrote to my kids.. a good a positive letter saying to our kiddos " We are all proud of you"

I like writing to my family and I do that as much as possible. It helps my fine motor skills and my thinking ahead.

In doing so I am making much less mistakes than I used to do before.

While I was writing to them I have been preparing boiled broccoli flowers and oven roasted staffed mushroom. I have staffed with bread crumb and spices. The mushroom have been cooking for 30 minute and  I have been broiling it for 5 minutes so that the top got browned.

I then had a really good dinner with the boiled broccoli flowers, sided with turkey ham and Tostadas.

The glass of water was full of sparkling water from my new Soda Stream that Simona sent me .. 

Afterward I went to the gym as it was my Yoga day.
As usual I snapped a picture with Erica here at my left hand side.

After Yoga we had a Turbo Jam session and I was happy to take that class as well.

Before leaving the gym Alexis was kind to snap this picture of me leaving the 24 fitness gym.

I had fun and mentioned that Alexis is a huge # for me.

I then grabbed a small snack, shower then Divalproex Melatonine and Trazodone as my evening meds,

This morning It was wake up time very early at 5:00 am as at 5:30 am it was my blood drawn day..

And in fact a nurse came right on time to get my blood drawn.  On the 18 of February I will be going to Dr.Madrilejo  my endocrinologist in charge of checking the level of the igf1 factor (growth hormone). I stopped getting the replacement hormone on Sept 28 about 5 months ago.
I feel better and better, stronger and stronger. I understood that at CNS everybody is looking after me and make sure I am doing well.

I have understood that it is my duty to make sure everything is achieved on time and it is all well.

Also as Simona is always taking care of me and of our family, I am always making sure she is fine and that she has the peace of mind to do her very demanding job.
My wife is an Assistant Professor at Caltech University in Pasadena. As such she has a lot of  responsibility on her shoulder. My wife is a very strong woman and she is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that everything is well for the family.

I am always making sure that she is doing great..
Matt is her for mediation..
Enjoy the reading

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