Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Feb 23rd posting

Over the weekend I was back home. At home our two kiddos have been really good. Lapo the little one was all over the place as usual. Very active and very interested on any thing.

Chicco the eldest was working hard at his homework.
Here he is shown on a moment of break.

Chicco is attending IV grade and he is working on a project for school. It entails reading a book and working on a presentation and on a book cover.  Chicco has completed his project. He has been helped by Anna my mother in law. Anna is Simona's mom. Anna came from Rome, Italy where she normally leaves to stay with us until the beginning of march.

I brought backs two books for our kiddos.  In this picture it is shows a Dr. Seuss book  for Lapo the little one, then I brought for Chicco a book about Mind-craft has he is very much into this matter.

On the coffe table it is shown the latest project that Chicco has been working for school.

In the evening we went to have dinner with Jinqiang Chen who is a post doc  working with Simona. Simona is shown in this picture cutting the cake we  brought for dinner.

This is a picture with me, Jinqiang Chen on my left hand side. In between we have Chicco next to me and Lapo at my left hand side next to Chen.

Maribelle is the landlord of the house where Chen leaves in Arcadia.

Maribelle used to be a teacher and now she is retired.
Chen and Maribelle have found a good menage and they appear to getting along very well.

At dinner we had apple juice...

Chen story is very interesting. As soon as arrived to Caltech he was swimming in the pool over there when he had an accident and he drawn. He was found unconscious under water.  He was promptly driven to the ER and put back to his feet. Caltech Provost gave the order of doing anything possible for Chen to facilitate his recovery. And now he is a very bright young person blessed for being around and happy for thriving. I guess GOD has a plan for each of us.

The boys have been playing piano at home. I have recorded them playing the piano. This is Lapo

Anyway both Chicco and Lapo are proficient in playing the piano. Chicco is clearly more advanced and Lapo the little one is playing the piano with one finger at the time. 

These are the journeys' book for our boys.

We also took the boys for a hair cut we went to Little Kutz, a hair saloon for children.

This is Chicco

This is Lapo having is new hair cut.

The boys here playing with each other.

On Sunday we left La Canada on our way to Bakersfield. First we went to do some clothes shopping for our kiddos. Simona purchased jeans pans for both Chicco and Lapo.

Afterward we eat at our favorite pizza place : Blaze Pizza.

 It is a fast pizza casual food that is now increasing its presence in California.
The advantages are many:

1) you can build your own pizza by choosing your own toppings. 
2) it is a very casual and trendy place in Southern California. 
3) it is an inexpensive place to eat, our kiddos love this place as well.

In this picture we are all enjoying our lunch. 

Over lunch Chicco teased Lapo and called him Lapolina ..
The boys are always pushing each other envelopes.

We went to the Glendale galleria  to buy pans and clothes for the boys.
Over there there was a nice exhibit of Lego building. The show was about replicating the Washington monuments.

Afterward  it was time to leave. We took both Chicco and Lapo back at home with Anna my mother in law. Simona and I came back to Bakersfield. It was raining and it took a little bit for driving back.
Nevertheless I arrived back on time for church at S. Francis.

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