Monday, February 2, 2015

post lunch work February 2nd

Our cooking club came out as a real success.
Both the staffed pepper on the right hand side and the risotto with mushroom (courtesy of Amanda's knowledge)  came out really good.

I like it all. Sparkling water provided the bubbling aspects of the lunch .. courtesy of CNS

Over lunch I called home where I found Lapo about to eat with Anna.

Lapo is doing better and better after a few days when he had a cold.

I had the chance of talking to Anna about the challenges with my own family.. she mentioned that as it is my family back in Verona she does not want to take any side with it. She is right as I believe she has already many things to care for while here in the US.

I know this is the correct answer as my wife Simona is taking already a well deserved and wise stance. I am trying to communicate with my own family and to express to them my frustration for the current situation. Unfortunately all that it is heard is .. nothing constructive.

I know that my wife Simona has the current situation under control and that she must be feeling as frustrated as myself. I am relying on her skills for  the present time to go trough this situation.

As mentioned to you in the past her family in Italy as been reaching out with a lot of emotional and material help for us here in California.

My family back in Verona has tried to do its best, unfortunately in doing so they did not realize they where complicating our life even more. They stubbornly do not see the tree in front of them and neither they see the forest around them.

I believe that there is nothing new under the sun as it has always been that way. Simona is able to recollect the many examples of their doing.. and she is telling as well with a lot of sadness in her voice. Yes my wife is sad for all these aspects.

Accepting a situation that you can not change is a sign of being able to cope with it.

My wife Simona has learnt to cope with my personal and family shortcomings.. she has understood faster than me that sometime the shortest route between two points is not a straight line. I believe it all depends on the metric of space you are dealing with. In non euclidean geometry the metric of the space tells you something about the distance between the adjacent  points of that space.

I have came to realize that the space I am confined to is far from be an Euclidean space. I am still looking for the Metric of this space.. I am sure once you will study advanced geometry you will understand it.

I am not sure you are following my personal details though..
Well let's get back to work on some CR

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