Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday February 27 post lunch posting

I had a wonderful good lunch.. I brought a staffed pepper (see yesterday posting),  an avocado, an apple and a banana.

My  wonderful coffee was also consumed after carefully brushing my teeth. I have greeted Isabelle, Sophia, Matt, CK.

I had my lunch on the patio  as it is a good day to breath the air outside. I am always eating outside and the staff knows it very well..they are used to my habit. Today CNS had provided food to the patients here at the AAC but I had brought my own lunch anyway. I am a very good chef in the kitchen, I have a lot of resources and I know how to combine all the ingredient in a healthy and savory way. I like to eat healthy non-fat items that I am preparing  by myself.

Over lunch I called Simona my wife who was about to go for her lunch break. Simona mentioned that our two sons have already come back  home today, however I have not been able to talk to them during my  lunch.

It is fine, I talked to Simona anyway. Our sons are with Anna -Simona's mom- who is going to stay with us for another 3 weeks.

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