Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday February 6 2015

Yesterday it was my Zumba day at the 24 fitness gym.  It is the Southwest location on Gosford road. Here is the view from the entrance.

While there I greeted Lupe, Riina, Jena. I have also said hi to Kashi, her mom Tigi and her dad.
They are all people that I am meeting at the  gym on Gosford.

I started doing cycling with Lolita and then at 7pm it was my  time to leave.
Cristina drove me from the apartment to the  gym and back to the apartment.

This is Frank the manager over there... he is familiar taking picture with me.

Afterward I came back to the apartment, checked in and started my shut down procedure which implies shower, snack and meds (Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone).
In the morning I have realized that I needed a maintenance request in my apartment.  The lamp at the top of my stove burned out and went dead.

So this morning I passed  by James and all its maintenance crew  and Caesar handed me over a new bulb. I have promptly changed  it and now it is working again. So now both lamps are shining a bright white light.

Of course Renee has been informed but rather than waiting for her to be available I went ahead and got it fixed anyway. One more task off the table to worry about for her and for me. This is part of being independent after all. 

I woke up at 6:30 as usual and did all my personal hygiene of the morning.

My breakfast was very rich and well balanced as usual.
I like to eat healthy, with a lot of fiber,vitamin,  carbs and raw sugar. 

It is far healthier to eat raw sugar than refined white sugar.

I like blueberry as well.. but I run out of blueberry so I need to get more tomorrow  on Saturday.
I have blueberry yogurt though that is a valid substitute.
Today at the enrichment center, I brought stickers for Tami's son Dominique and for Amanda's sons. They were all happy for my thinking about their family.
Amanda told me she has many sons to take care of, so I believe a small gesture of gratitude is going far.

This morning at the apartment I have  received a nice present from my wife Simona.
It is a Soda Stream appliance.

It makes carbonated water. I have not assembled yet  I will be doing it over the weekend, and thereafter I will start my production of Soda Water. We have the same appliance at our home in La Canada and it works great.

My brother Francesco saw this picture from the email I sent him and he is telling me to stay healthy but not to inflate too much because of the bubble. 

My brother Francesco leaves back in Verona, Italy where I am from.

The city of Verona was founded by the Roman and has many buildings and  many historical ruins from that  ancient time.
In this picture we see the Arena ( a small Colosseum) which is currently used for summer operas, concerts and summer happenings.

From about the same time we have the Ponte Pietra (Literally Stone Bridge) 

It links the two sides of the city that are divided by the Adige river which and brings into the historical center of town both pedestrian and vehicles.

In Verona there are a lot of bicycles and light bike as people like to move around without the need of covering long distance nor the need of taking routes that are intermingled with a lot of cars. Beside there are restriction on the use of the cars because in Italy there are many problems with pollution from cars and traffic.

Back in Verona, I have my mom Marta and my brother Francecsco. Both of them are taking good care of business for me and for my family while I am  in USA.

Francesco has all our trust and he is doing his best with Simona my wife to make sure he is able to fulfill his own responsibility in Verona.  Francesco is busy back in Italy. 
Simona is working hard with Francesco to stay connected and to make sure Francesco's needs are fulfilled and taken care of.

Simona is always making sure to protect me and to defend me from all other happening of the world.
Simona has always been on my side, and she is doing her best for being there for me.

Going back to my latest gadget  Simona mentioned that I might be able to assemble the Soda Stream Machine  by myself otherwise we are going to do it on Sunday when she comes to visit me,

Simona is always available for me and she is  a great person to have on my side. As a result  of her effort and of her doing our kiddos are growing happy and healthy. 

Enjoy the reading.

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