Friday, February 20, 2015

Feb 20 Friday

Yesterday as everyday I went to the 24 fitness gym.

It was my Zumba day with Mike.Zumba is a good cardio exercise for coordination and balance, beside I am meeting always the normal people of Bakersfield. It is my valve of being with what I am considering being with normal people.  As usual  I have enjoyed the gym. Afterward I also had cycle with Lolita. She is the lady with the dark bandanna.

It was her last day so farewell Lolita. I will keep going to the 24 fitness gym. The gym is still there.

While at the gym I met Wayne and snapped a picture of him smiling. He is a very positive person. You know he has lost his wife some time ago and now he is getting stronger and gaining back some of weight he lost. 
Hence I am glad that Wayne is working out over there.

Wayne mentioned that I should get a surfboard as my hairs are becoming long and look like a surfer. 

Wayne is always kidding and I appreciate him joking with me.

At the gym I  went with patient EC.
The matter is that I  was shuttled first at  Edgwater to pick up patient EC  then shuttled to the gym, finally shuttled back to the apartment. A perfect loop. 
The driver even refused to get the customary tip that you give to any driver in US.

I have to say that  in my opinion Edgwater is located in a place that is not very  healthy. In  my opinion only cheap condos are placed beneath the high voltage power lines. Perhaps the land over there is cheap and the occupants don't care about the high power lines dangling over their heads.

Regarding the order of the  current execution may  I say " Beauty -me patient GR before age- you patient EC" and let you mumble about it? Yes let's face reality you could be my grand father assuming he would be still alive. 

Once I came back to the CNS apartment I started the procedure for shut down: shower, a tasty byte 
my evening meds: Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone.  I went to bed by 9pm no TV, a bit or reading to keep my brain engaged and then light off.

The Divalproex makes me sleep happy while  Trazone with Melatonine are used to  knock me off to sleep.
At 6 am I am always up and running anyway as I am sleeping 9 hours. 

 also have found a few things in the drier and folded away on the couch.

I have asked Lupe -my house keeper - to take these item back. She mentioned that she would be doing it  this  morning.

Today I add  a tasty breakfast: a lot of blueberries for my eyes. I feel that it is a very healthy fruit in the morning for me. So I am having every day a good amount of blueberry with my cereal and with my morning yogurt (Blueberry flavor). 

Of course my wife's picture is always with me. Thinking about your wife.. patient GR thinking about your wife..  It has been instilled and hammered in me. I like leaving with the memory of a ghost. And as I am not afraid of ghost I like to look my wife in the eyes every morning.

Enjoy the reading as I have been enjoying writing to you.

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