Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday February 18 2015

Capitan Kirk log, Astral date 230554433.26
The Klington vessels have been scanning the Enterprise in search for a sign of our captive. Thus far they could not find him.

They are using a long range sensor scan to complete their mission.

In the meanwhile they are working toward their own goal..
here is the updated  situation at CNS Bakersfield.

Yesterday I had a good dinner. Rice with mushroom and Parmesan cheese.
As a side a good salad with Spinach, tomato, Chia seeds and a bit of onion.

Also  I have been cooking staffed portobella mushroom.

As usual I made the staffing  with Bread Crumble mixed with spices, oil and water to moist the filling.

I have been cooking in the oven for 20 minute and finally broiled for 10 minute to brown the top of the filling.

Finally  I had some fan by going to Walmart at Personal shopping.. This is Walmart as seen from the outside.

Here is the result of my shopping spree.

A bunch of  personal items for me and a couple of books for our kiddos.

For Chicco a book of Mindcraft as he is really into it. For Lapo our youngest an ABC reading book of Dr. Seuss's as he is learning to read. Chicco attends IV grade while Lapo is in Kindergarten.

I hope they appreciate it. I  have been consulting with Simona my wife beforehand.

Simona also confirmed me that she did not need anything for  her. I am always consulting with her needs whenever I am going off to buy anything.. after all it is her money and it is her wish I am following.

So I have spent her money only for myself and the boys. I happily blew $36.70 and came back with a sense of fulfillment  for the positive result of the evening.

Today I went to my doctor at the Centennial Medical group.
Suzanne my nurse drove me over there to see Dr. Madrilejo.

I have been asking him for more shot, however based on the results of my blood test he suggested to stay out. The marker in my blood that the test surveys is called  igf1 factor. During this time  it is at 130. For my age group it should be withing 120 and 230 so according to Dr. Madrilejo it is right where it should be.

As usual the visit was very quick and very pleasant. A quick face to face meeting,an exchange of pleasantry concluded the  very positive and encouraging meeting.

So the next time I will have to see Dr. Madrilejo  is in a couple of mounts: tax day, i.e. April the 15th. Today he mentioned that After October I will not have to see him any longer... we will see              (Ad maiora as they say.. sorry for the Latin know it is very useful sometime to have an education as a background) 

You can try to scramble this one...

"Tu ne quesieris, scire nefas quem mihi quem tibi finem dii dederint.
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"

During the visit everything went well, the matter of the co payment came up again and this time  it was hammered promptly by mentioning the high-deductible regime we are dealing with.

They very relevant and positive aspect of the visit is that in my own profession it is written: disabled and unemployed

It is a wonderful aspect and such a warm feeling of being reminded of your own condition.  Today nobody has been using the following sign that apparently at CNS is so much loved by everybody.

Yes because at CNS we are all  Handicapped in case you have forgotten this matter.

I guess CNS is spending a lot of money in keeping up with all the handicapped sign in the car and all these sign that are posted around..

Well it is what it is,, why changing things? 

As they said in my opinion  the current slogan should be rather  "The bridge for a meaningful recovery"  I would recommend using Handicapped once handicapped for is more appropriate to the current competitive landscape.

Enjoy the reading as I have clearly enjoyed posting to you..

Today the AAC smells poorly obviously somebody made sure to pollute the air so we are all sharing the stink..
This is another poor example of  the poor living condition and how much this place resemble to a prison.. overpopulated, under equipped and with a various population that have a large background ..
I would say a very limited background.
But hey acceptance is the key.. Ain't my place any way ..
why worry? 
Time to eat.. this is something to worry..

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