Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Desfruta muchacho February 3 2015

It is desfruta muchacho post lunch ...

I called home hoping to find Lapo and Anna awake but they were both busy so I have left a message.
Afterward I called Simona who was working hard as usual, she mentioned that our kiddos are doing better and she recommended me to call after 3:30pm when Chicco our eldest comes back from school.

Simona mentioned that our kiddos are doing better still recovering from the flue. This is a classical situation when one kid in a family is sick he passes along to his sibling the same illness.
Or the alternative is that at school they are facing the winter season and many kids are coming down with the very same symptoms or a running nose and a light fewer.

On the other side today Matt ( he is running our meditation group) was called for jury duty and he rushed after lunch to serve.

Well as a matter of fact I am not a citizen so one of the few advantages of being Italian  is to be automatically disqualified from Jury Duty.

Soon or later we will switch our citizenship as our kids are here in US and we are based here in US..
I am sure we will find the  time that best suits our availability.

Until that we are not going to be serving on any jury session.

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