Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday February 26 2015

Yesterday once at the apartment I have been cooking summer-quash risotto. First I prepared the base made of summer-squash with a bit of soffritto. I added butter, some vegetable bouillon I had available. Once the rice was cooked (about 20 minute of cooking time) I added Parmesan cheese and adjusted the salt. 

While the dinner was getting ready, I have been writing to my kids a nice and positive letter.
At the end I have been writing "Dad Kisses you".
The letter is addressed to the whole family including my mother in law Anna.

Yesterday Chicco was working at his homework, while Lapo had already finished his homework for the whole week. Ann mentioned that Lapo is very focused and when he is working he is working hard.. Chicco is also good in is staff at home. Chicco is in IV grade while Lapo attends Kindergarten.

The boys yesterday had piano lesson with Liz.

I had a really good dinner: Spinach Salad with Chia seeds, the risotto with summer squash and ricotta as a side,

Before leaving to the gym I have booked the movie outing for Saturday evening.

 I have also collected the outing schedule at the reception, as every Wednesday we have a new schedule outing released.

I then went to the 24 fitness  gym

As  it was Wednesday I had cycle with Angie. 

She is the lady with the blue bandanna and red shorts. Angie is always goofing with me and she is making sure that I am having a good time over there.

I am the dude that needs a hair cut and he is making bunny hear to Angie.

Angie's two sons are doing great and so she is happily working hard herself.

After cycle I had time to do body pump with Leslie as Sylvia was not not available.

As I started doing  body pump my coverage at the gym was over and it was time for me to go back to the apartment.
Before leaving I greeted Kaia who had been gratuitously smiling for me.

Finally it was time to go back,  Young Chelsea who did my coverage was hungry and for me anyway it was time to start my shut down operations for the evening.

However as I was leaving I met Janice and  her husband Larry, then Hefsir, basically the whole community of people that I normally meet at the gym.  It is always hard for me to leave the gym as I keep meeting people that I am familiar with. Apparently I am well known where ever I go.

At the apartment I got into the shower,  a final evening snack and my meds. Before falling asleep I took this picture of my family. I am calling this picture "Amore mio" ... Simona knows what it means "inter nos".

This morning I woke up early as usual, I can't sleep past a certain time of the day anyway.
Hence I have time to do my staff , having a good breakfast and  washing by hand everything. 

This is my breakfast while NPR radio is  buzzing in the background.

Milk, Cereal, Yogurt,  peanut butter and honey with whole grain toasted bread.

Finally a couple of coffee cups not included in the picture.

Afterward I helped in trowing  the trash that Dag let me find outside so that I can walk stairs downward and upward. It all a good exercise in the morning. 

This morning I greeted Doug as well and asked Lupe my housekeeper to check on the right hand light bulb of my shove as it is flickering. 
Flickering is a sign of getting a problem with the starting circuit or with the inner working circuit of the lamp, a sign of an impending failure.

As I was waiting to come to the AAC I took a selphie and sent it to Simona.

Right now I am working in downloading my memory activities and finally I will be able to do something more.


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